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Inwestor online - help

  • Introduction to Inwestor online

    Screen layout

    Screen of Inwestor online website consists of the following elements:

    • Toolbar,
    • Main Menu,
    • Account Selector Bar,
    • Tickera,
    • Side Menu,
    • Workspace,
    • Frames in Workspace,
    • Shortcut Bar.

    At the top of the screen you find the toolbar - buttons for the consumer to manage the look and feel of individual features on the site. There are the following buttons:

    • Inbox - access to the internal mailbox through which Santander Biuro Maklerskie communicates important messages, such as the amendments to the regulations,
    • Settings - this part of the service serves to adjust the mode of operation of many functions to your needs,
    • Język / Language - language switch between Polish and English,
    • Help - brings up a pop-up window with a list of all topics in the context mode, i.e. the help topic corresponding to the active side of the site,
    • Logout - allows you to safely leave the site.

    Below toolbar the main menu is available consisting of the following tabs:

    • Portfolio - information about assets on the accounts, investment funds and registries of issue sponsor,
    • Trading - in this tab it is possible to place an order on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and foreign stock exchanges, subscription on the primary market and the acquisition of units in investment funds,
    • Markets - information-analytical portal that facilitates quick and easy access to information about current market news and comments, recommendations, assessments and other analytical materials prepared by brokers and analysts of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Quotes - access to the Warsaw Stock Exchange stock quotes in real time without having to install third-party software with direct to place orders,
    • My services - in this tab all the elements associated with the expansion of services have been gathered.

    In addition to the main menu you will find two additional tabs on the right:

    • Contact Us - brings up a pop-up window with contact details for Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Run NOL - launches an external application to receive stock quotes of Warsaw Stock Exchange.

    Below the main menu there is a account selector bar contains the following information:

    • First and last name of a logged-in user,
    • Drop-down list containing numbers and names of all the accounts, which logged-in user has access to with possibility to change an active account,
    • Information about time to end an active session, after which you will be automatically logged-out of service. Performing any active operation, e.g. selection of menu options will begin the re-countdown of time to the end of active session.

    Below the bar with the name a so-called ticker is shown. It is a bar of the "hot" news. On the right an icon to hide the bar is available.

    On the left side under the ticker a side menu is displayed, whose composition is dependent on the selected main menu item. For some of the main menu items side menu is not presented.

    Next to the side menu a workspace is allocated to display data of a given function. The workspace is divided into frames, which have the following elements::

    • The title bar of the frame, which in some frames inform of the process steps, such as New order - Enter Parameters,
    • Frame header, which displays the names of the columns,
    • The main part of the frame, presenting data on the services of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Foot frame, which may include:
      • Buttons which invokes certain operations,
      • In case of frames allowing for sorting and paging of data, elements for the navigation.

    Below the side menu and workspace a shortcut bar is displayed for quick transition to the selected service site without having to choose a number of levels in the service main and side menu. On the right an icon to hide the shortcut bar is available.


    More complex operations, such as placing an order, consist of several stages, each of which is executed on a separate screen. Each of the stages is determined by the appropriate title in the header of the frame in the workspace. For example, when placing the order, each screen contains the following titles on the title bar of the frame:

    • New Order - Enter Parameters,
    • New Order - Verification,
    • New Order - Confirmation.

    The name of the button on the intermediate step causing the transition to a verification screen reads Next. The name of the button on the intermediate step calling the specified operation, such as placing an order, reads Accept. On the confirmation screen a message is displayed:

    • Green, if the operation was successful,
    • Yellow, if additional steps are required from the customer,
    • Red, if the operation failed.

    Operating systems and browsers

    The Inwestor online has been tested in the following operating systems and browsers:

    • Windows 10, browsers:
      • Mozilla Firefox 74.x,
      • Google Chrome 80.x,
      • Internet Explorer 11.x (32-bit),
    • Linux/GNU Ubuntu 14.04, browser:
      • Mozilla Firefox 29.x,
    • Mac OS 10.15, browser:
      • Safari 13.x.

    Market 360 tab has been tested in the following operating systems and browsers:

    • Windows 10, browsers:
      • Mozilla Firefox 74.x,
      • Google Chrome 80.x.
      • Internet Explorer 11.x (32-bit),
    • Linux/GNU Ubuntu 14.04, browser:
      • Mozilla Firefox 29.x,
    • Mac OS 10.15, browsers:
      • Safari 13.x,
    Other browsers do not guarantee the correct functioning of the Market 360 tab.
    In addition, Adobe Flash Player ver. 32.0 plugin for web browsers is required.


    NOL App has been tested in the following operating systems and browsers:

    • Windows 10, browsers:
      • Mozilla Firefox 74.x,
      • Google Chrome 80.x,
      • Internet Explorer 11.x (32-bit).
  • Toolbar

    Toolbar is a series of icons-links triggering off the functions listed below:

    • Inbox - reads the information addressed by Santander Biuro Maklerskie Inwestor online's users,
    • Settings - allows you to obtain information and change the following settings for service:
      • Data Display - setting Quick Order and three-letter ticker for WSE shares,
      • Market 360 - setting of the components in the Market 360 tab,
      • Markets - launch of Markets tab on the main menu,
      • Log In - select the default account and display the Get Started page after logging in, getting information about the date and time of the last valid and invalid login to Inwestor online platform and Inwestor mobile app,
      • Phone / E-mail - setting the mobile phone number, email address and activation of a trusted mobile phone number,
      • My Shortcuts - setting pages on the shortcuts bar, and how to display the shortcut bar,
      • Personal Data - data of logged in user and, possibly, its proxies,
      • Account Data - data on the ownership, rates of commission, amount of outstanding charges and rate of interest on the account,
      • Mobile Devices - unregistering a mobile device registered via Inwestor mobile app,


      • Password Change - setting the new password and change Password to the masked type,
    • Język / Language - changing site interface language between English and Polish,
    • Help - brings up a pop-up window with help for the site,
    • Log Out - logout from the site.


    The page reads information sent by Santander Biuro Maklerskie to Inwestor online's users. If you have unread messages, the You'got new messages (number of unread messages) label is displayed.

    After clicking on the Inbox button in the toolbar the Mailbox frame is displayed, in which each column represents:

    • Publication Date - date and time of messages published by Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Title - a message subject, in addition the message can be marked as New or Important,
    • Type - the messages published by Santander Biuro Maklerskie are divided into types, use the drop-down list allows you to limit the messages presented to those belonging to the selected type,
    • Actions - Details link opens a page with the message content.

    Page with content of the message contains the following additional buttons:

    • Back to News List,
    • Confirm, optional - available in the news, which require confirmation by the client; until such confirmation a message is displayed with a bold subject.



    The page allows you to obtain information and change the following settings for service:

    • Data Display - setting Quick Order and three-letter ticker for WSE shares,
    • Market 360 - setting of the components in the Market 360 tab,
    • Markets - launch of Markets tab on the main menu,
    • Log In - select the default account and display the Get Started page after logging in, getting information about the date and time of the last valid and invalid login to Inwestor online platform and Inwestor mobile app,
    • Phone / E-mail - setting the mobile phone number, email address and activation of a trusted mobile phone number,
    • My Shortcuts - setting pages on the shortcuts bar, and how to display the shortcut bar,
    • Personal Data - data of logged in user and, possibly, its proxies,
    • Account Data - data on the ownership, rates of commission, amount of outstanding charges and rate of interest on the account,
    • Mobile Devices - unregistering a mobile device registered via Inwestor mobile app,


    • Password Change - setting the new password and change password to the masked type,


    Data Display

    Default Values

    The Data Display page presents in the Default Values frame the following settings for the presentation of data on the site:

    • Quick Order,
    • Ticker Symbol,
    • Fewer Order Parameters,
    • Records on Page.

    With Quick Order function submission and cancellation of orders is done at an accelerated rate. In the case of placing the order after all the required parameters and conditions are entered the order is immediately entered into the computer system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie by selecting the Accept button. It is not displayed the page with your order parameters before final acceptance of the order.

    It should be noted that it is not possible to change the parameters of the order after it is accepted on the page on which the order parameters are entered.

    While cancelling orders, select the Cancel button to immediate cancel the order. A window with the parameters of the order and Cancel button shall not be displayed.

    With the Ticker Symbol set as Yes a three-letter ticker of shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the following parts of the Inwestor online platform shall be presented:

    • Portfolio - Accounts,
    • Orders - Stock Market,
    • Orders - Primary Market,
    • NOL App.

    With the Ticker Symbol set as No shortened names used by the WSE are displayed.

    The Fewer Order Parameters specifies the global way of placing the order on the Trading - Stock Market - New Order, from Quotes tab's table and chart as well as from NOL3 App:

    • Selecting Yes, causes presentation fields for entering the order in basic mode (shows only the fields with the parameters necessary to place an order) on the New Order, while clicking the price of an instrument in the Quotes tab or in NOL3 App causes display of the pop-up windows which allows to place an order in basic,
    • Selecting No, causes presentation of all fields to entering the order in advanced mode (all fields are displayed, including optional ones), while clicking the price of an instrument in the Quotes tab or in NOL3 App causes display of New Order in advanced mode.


    Global way of placing an order, determined by the Fewer Order Parameters function, can be changed while placing an order, either on the Trading - Stock Market - New Order or in the pop-up window brought up from Quotes tab or NOL3 App.

    The Records on page function determines globally how many rows are displayed in a frame featuring a variable number of records. There are as follows: 10, 50 (default), 100 and all available records. Global value can be changed in each frame with a variable number of records to a different one but the change is not saved in the settings of the Inwestor online platform.

    My Instruments

    The My Instruments frame makes possible to define a list of instruments that are used in the following parts of the Inwestor online platform:

    • Inwestor online - Trading - Stock Market - New Order - in the Symbol: PL / Others these instruments are presented at the beginning of the list of instruments,
    • Inwestor online - Markets - My securities - Observed.

    Market 360

    There is a grid (30 rows x 3 columns) of the components that is displayed in the Market 360 tab. Title bar of each component contains up to three icons: an icon to show a tooltip with description of component, the configuration icon to show a pop-up window allowing you to specify the height of component and an icon to delete the component from the grid. Removed and the remaining to be used components are shown on the right side of the screen. There are five components of the Instrument type and one of the other types to be used. Drag-and-drop components to add them to the grid. The ability to drop of a selected component in a user-selected location is indicated by change of color in the grid cells to gree one. When setting the components in the grid, consider the following:

    • Settings component can not be removed from the grid,
    • Added component is adjacent to the top edge of the column or the bottom edge of the last component in the column,
    • If there are unused rows between component in the column and the next component occupying more than one column, an attempt to add a component with a height greater than the number of unused rows results in a component below being moved down,
    • If the Instrument type component is to be added, the instrument, which will be presented in the component, have to be selected,
    • If a component to be added is to take the place of another component, located in the grid, hover the mouse over the title bar of the original component, which will cause it to go downwards and allow inserting a new component in its place.
    Confirmation of the grid and opening the Market 360 tab follows after clicking the Save button on the right side of the screen. If the Save button is not clicked the current grid will be maintained.



    Launch of Markets tab on the main menu.

    Log In

    The Default Account frame allows, for customers with more than one account, to determine which account will be active immediately after logging in (for both the Inwestor online platform and Inwestor mobile app).

    The Additional Log-in Options frame allows to determine whether:

    • Get Started Page will be presented,
    • Market 360 tab will be turned on,
    and to choose a tab of the main menu to be active immediately after logging in (for the Inwestor online platform only).


    The button in the Additional Log-in Options frame shall specify:

    • Save - acceptance of the terms as of the default acct. no. and of presenting Get Started page.


    The Last Log In Date and Time frame presents recent data on correct and error log completed separately for Inwestor online platform and the Inwestor mobile app.

    Phone / E-mail

    The Phone / E-mails page is designed to:

    • Define or modify the mobile phone no.,
    • Activate a trusted mobile phone no.,
    • Define or modify your email address.


    In Phone and E-mail frames you can define, modify or delete a mobile telephone number or email address by entering, modifying, or deleting an entry in Enter Mobile Phone No. or Enter E-mail address fields. To confirm the accuracy of data entry, you must re-enter the same data in the Confirm Mobile Phone No. and Confirm E-mail Address fields. Confirm the change by pressing the Accept button. Confirmation of acceptance of the command is a message in a green box New mobile phone number has been saved or New e-mail address has been saved.

    Attention! The system verifies the correctness of address and mobile number. Please note that the email address does not use Polish letters and distribute the user name of your domain name with the @ symbol. Mobile phone number must be entered in the format: three-digit operator's prefix plus six digit telephone number without a space.

    Trusted number is a number of your mobile phone number to which the Santander Biuro Maklerskie will send your starter PIN via SMS message (if you forget your current password to log in). If you do not activate the mobile phone number as a trusted, starter PIN will be sent to you at the address for correspondence.

    If you do not have a defined mobile phone number in the Trusted Phone No. frame a message Phone no. set as trusted: none is displayed.

    After defining the mobile phone number in the Trusted Phone No. frame a message Phone no. set as trusted: none. Generate activation code for the number defined mobile phone number is displayed.

    In order to activate defined phone number as a trusted one, click the Generate Code button. After the operation a message in the green box confirming an action Activation code has been sent to the number: defined phone number. Please check the code in the received SMS messages on your mobile phone and enter it into the trusted phone activation section is displayed. Please check the code in the received SMS messages on your mobile phone and enter it in the Trusted Phone No. frame. In the Trusted Phone No. frame a box appears to enter an activation code and You may generate activation code on: expiration date and time message. The message indicates it is possible to re-generate the activation code if the current was not entered or entered incorrectly. SMS message should be entered in the Trusted Phone No. frame and confirmed with Accept Code button. After the operation a message in the green box Entered a valid activation code. The telephone number is set as a trusted is displayed.

    My Shortcuts

    The My Shortcuts page is designed to define which sites of Investor online are available in My shortcuts bar, which appears at the bottom of each page. Using the bar helps to open the page without having to go through the menu tree. For example, the definition of Instrument History allows calling the page with one click instead of three in the menu (Portfolio - More - Instrument History). In order to define a page in the shortcuts bar, select the check box beside the name of the page.

    Selecting the Show My Shortcuts Bar after Log In makes the shortcuts bar constantly visible. Regardless of the function shortcut bar can be turned on or off by pressing icon on the right side of the strip.

    Shortcuts bar is displayed in two separate forms:

    • scroll - presented in one line, if all shortcuts cannot be displayed in one row, on the left and right side of the bar arrows are displayed to allow scrolling the bar,
    • rows - presented in more than one line if the number of shortcuts cannot display them all in one line.


    After defining shortcuts and a form of their presentation, select the Save button. After the operation a message Shortcuts settings have been saved in the green box is presented, confirming an action.

    Personal Data

    The Personal Data page presents in the User Details frame the following personal information:

    • First and Last Name,
    • Registered Address,
    • Correspondence Address,
    • Home Address (for Tax Returns),
    • Internal Revenue Service,
    • PESEL (national identification number for Polish citizens),
    • Identity Card,
    • Mobile Phone No.,
    • E-mail Address,
    • NKK (derivatives trading identification number).


    In case of data inconsistencies with the facts, please:

    • in case of name, registered address, PESEL number (Polish citizens only) and Identity Card - contact Santander Biuro Maklerskie in person and update the personal data
    • in case of name and address of the tax office or NKK No. contact Santander Biuro Maklerskie by phone or e-mail and update the data,
    • in case of correspondence address or home address for tax returns complete necessary changes on the My Services - Instructions - User Details - Instruction to change correspondence address or home address for tax returns page,
    • in case of absence of the name and address of the tax office complete changes on the Data Completion page displayed immediately after logging,
    • in case of mobile phone no. or e-mail address complete changes on the Settings - Phone / E-mail page.


    If the logged in user is a holder of an active account and has appointed a proxy in the Proxies Details frame the following information concerning proxies are displayed:

    • First and Last Name,
    • Identity Card,
    • PESEL (national identification number for Polish citizens),
    • Date of grant of proxy,
    • Date of withdrawal of proxy.


    Account Data

    The Account Data page presents in the Account Details the following data for active account:

    • Account No.,
    • Right of Ownership - Holder or Proxy.


    The Commissions Details frame presents rates of commission on cash market, futures market and options market both on domestic and foreign markets.


    The Other Details frame presents information about:

    • Overdue fee for the account,
    • Acct. interest.


    Mobile Devices

    The Registered Device frame presents UDID of registered mobile device. Use Unregister button to unregister your device.

    Password Change

    The Password Change page is used to change access code to the online transactional platform of Santander Biuro Maklerskie. The same code is used for logging in to the service via a web browser (Inwestor online platform) or via mobile device (Inwestor mobile app).

    The starter PIN is sent via SMS text message (if you have defined a mobile phone number) or by mail (if you have not defined a mobile phone number (start-up code). After having logged in to Inwestor online platform or Inwestor mobile app using start-up code the Password Change page is presented. A new password has to be defined at this point. Additionally the next password has to be defined every 360 days. You may find when the next password will have to be changed on the Password Change page if there are five or fewer days to forced change of password.

    In order to change password, enter the current password (or starter PIN) and new password (twice) in the appropriate fields. Confirm by pressing the Accept button. The procedure is aborted if either wrong code is entered in the Current password field or codes entered in the Enetr new password and Confirm new password fields do not match. If all data is correct the message Password has been changed is presented.

    Password must meet the following conditions:

    • minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 characters,
    • at least one digit and at least one character different than digit (letter or special character) included,
    • may include digits (0123456789), lower case or capitals (AaBbCc...Zz - excluding national characters) and special characters ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ),
    • may not include three following digits of login,
    • three following characters may not be identical,
    • must be different than last three password codes used.


    Lower case and capitals are distinguished, so ensure that the Caps Lock key is off when defining the new Password and logging in to the system.

    While defining the new Password, the masked mode may be activated. In order to do it check the Change your password for more secured masked password box and confirm with Save button.

    Afert changing your Password to masked one while logging in to the service you will be asked to enter random characters from your whole Password.

    Remember! You are the only person who knows your Password.

  • Market 360

    Market 360 tab allows to get information presented in the other tabs on one screen within the components whose layout can be customized according to user needs. Data in components are updated automatically, without having to refresh by the user. Market 360 tab is available for users who are owner or proxy on at least one account and have access to the stock quotes in real time with at least one best offer. In the absence of access to quotations a link to the option of ordering quotes is presented. Management of components is described in the help under Settings - Market 360.

    There are the following components:

    • Monitor,
    • Accounts,
    • Indices,
    • My Instruments,
    • Company,
    • Publications,
    • Session Statistic,
    • Settings.


    Monitor - component presents up-to-date state of orders on the active account, waiting to be executed (shown on the top) and those that are executed at the current session, canceled or expired (shown below). The title bar contains the name of the component. The data are displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Start Date - date of the first session of the order,
    • End Date - date of the last session of the order, this field may contain the following conditions: Good-till-Date (GTD), Valid-for-Auction (VFA), Valid-for-Closing (VFC), Fill-and-Kill (FAK), Fill-or-Kill (FOK), Good-till-Canceled (GTC),
    • Instrument - name of a financial instrument which is the subject of the order, for shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange three-letter abbreviations or shortened names are used, depending on the choice of the presentation name in Settings - Data Display - Default Values - Ticker Symbol. When placing an order on the portfolio other than '00 ' the number is presented after the name of a financial instrument,
    • B/S - action, B - Buy, S - Sell,
    • Qty - number of financial instruments in order,
    • Price Type - for standard orders type of order is presented, such as Limit [LMT], PKC [MO], PCR [MTL], etc., and for advanced orders - partial orders with an advanced order type, type of partial orders and the type of prices, such as ToC CUT / Stop Loss, are presented,
    • Limit Price - limit price in order, in case of purchase orders PKC [MO], PCR [MLT], Stop Loss, the maximum or minimum limit price is presented, determined by the Terms of the Warsaw Stock Exchange,
    • Filled Qty - number of financial instruments filled in the order,
    • Avg. Price - weighted average price at which the order was executed in whole or in part, without brokerage commission,
    • Actions:
      • Modify - link to modify the order, available if the order can be modified,
      • Cancel - link to cancel the order, available if the order can be canceled.


    Accounts - component presents accounts, logged user is the owner or proxy for. Number of active account is underlined and clicking on it opens Portfolio - My assets / Other assets - Accounts - Details. The title bar includes the date and time of the last refresh of the component. The read data are displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Number - number of account,
    • Holder - last i first name/name of the account holder,
    • Financial Funds, Instr. Value, Total Value - value transferred from the Portfolio - My assets / Other assets - Accounts.


    Indices - component presents the value and intraday line chart for the current or last session of indices listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The title bar includes the date and time of the last refresh of the component. WIG20 index is presented by default. Changing the chart requires clicking on the row with the selected index. The selected index is bold. The change is saved until log out. After loggin in the default index is displayed.

    My instruments - component presents quotations of instruments held in the active account and observed by the user. The title bar includes the date and time of the last refresh of the component. The Acct. tab presents the instruments on active account. Changing account in the account selector changes the composition of presented instruments. The Observed tab presents the instruments chosen by the user to observe. Presentation of observed instruments is independent of the active account. Adding or removing the observed instrument is possible in the Markets - My values (left column) or directly in the component. To add an instrument, enter the name or its part in the text box under the table, then select an instrument from the displayed drop-down list and confirm with Accept button. In order to remove the instrument hover the mouse over the name of the instrument and click the red X that appears on the right side. The All tab shows both instruments on active account and observed. The read data are displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Symbol - name of a financial instrument or a three-letter abbreviation for shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.,
    • B.Size - number of instruments in the best bid offer
    • Bid - limit in the best bid offer, click to complete the Action field with Sell value and price limit,
    • Ask - limit in the best ask offer, click to complete the Action field with Buy value and price limit,
    • A.Size - number of instruments in the best ask offer,
    • Last - price of the last transaction,
    • % - percentage change of the last transaction in relation to the reference price. Positive change is marked in green font, no change - in black, and a negative change - in red one.
    Clicking on the name of the instrument will open the Markets - Companies page in the context of the chosen instrument.
    Clicking on a value in Bid or Ask column produces a pop-up window with respectively sale or purchase order (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - Yes) or Trading - New Order page (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - No). Description of pop-up order window is contained in Help for the Quotes - Quotes Table.


    Instrument - component presents quotes, PAP and ESPI news and analytical materials for one selected instrument listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (in the case of index data are not presented for bid ask ask offers, date and time of transaction refer to the latest value of the index, and it is impossible to place an order). The title bar contains the name of the instrument, the date and time of the last refresh component, and an icon that brings up a pop-up configuration window, allowing to change the instrument in the component. Changing the instrument is stored even after you logging out. The component includes three tabs: Quotes, News and Research.
    Quotes tab contains the following data:

    • Prices of instrument for the current or last session: O - opening price, H - maximum price, L - minimum price, C - price of the last trade,
    • Buttons for placing an order: the left one in red - presents the best bid offer, and clicking it allows to place a sell order, the right one in green - presents the best ask offer, and clicking it allows to submit a purchase order. Clicking a button brings up a pop-up window (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - Yes) or Trading - New Order page (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - No). Description of pop-up order window is contained in Help for Quotes - Quotes Table,
    • Between the buttons information about percentage change of the last trade in relation to the reference price is presented,
    • Time, the volume and rate of the last three trades,
    • Intraday line chart for the current or last session.
    News tab presents in two sub-tabs 20 most recent PAP messages and 20 most recent ESPI messages for the instrument selected in the component. List of messages includes the date and time of publication and the title or part of the title of the message in the form of a link. Clicking the link brings up a pop-up containing the full text of the message.

    Research tab presents 20 most recent analytical materials of the instrument selected in the component and prepared by analysts of Santander Biuro Maklerskie. List of documents includes the date and time of publication and the title or part of the title of the document in the form of a link. Clicking the link brings up a pop-up containing the full text of the analytical document.


    Publications - component presented in two sub-tabs 50 most recent PAP messages and the 50 most recent ESPI messages for instruments listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The title bar includes the date and time of the last refresh of the component. List of messages includes the date and time of publication and the title or part of the title of the message in the form of a link. Clicking the link brings up a pop-up containing the full text of the message.

    Sessions Statistics - component presents in three sub-tabs information regarding the largest increases, declines and value of trades of instruments listed on the WSE. The title bar includes the date and time of the last refresh of the component. Common part of the component presents value of trades, the number and percentage share of instruments whose price increases, decreases or remains unchanged on the current or last session.
    Top Adv. tab shows name, price of the last trade, value of trade and the percentage change in the price of the last trade in relation to the reference price for five instruments with the greatest increase in the price.
    Top Dec. tab shows name, price of the last trade, value of trade and the percentage change in the price of the last trade in relation to the reference price for five instruments with the greatest decline in the price.
    Most Active tab shows name, price of the last trade, value of trade for five instruments of the highest trade value.

    Settings - component presents the status of the connection with Santander Biuro Maklerskie server and a Go to Settings link that opens Market 360 configuration page. Unlike other components in the grid, Settings is irremovable one.

  • Portfolio

    The Portfolio serves the purpose to obtain information about assets on accounts, in investment funds and registries of issue sponsors. Depending on your choice in the side menu the following data is presented:

    • My assets - allows access to your accounts, investment funds and an overview of financial instruments in the registries of issue sponsors, which are owned by the logged-in user,
    • Other assets - allows access to accounts and an overview of financial instruments in registries of issue sponsor to which a logged-in user has permission resulting from the obtained power of attorney.


    My Assets

    Selecting My Assets in the side menu presents data, on the assets to which the logged-in user is the holder, in the following frames:

    • Accounts - all accounts on which the logged-in user is the holder. If all accounts links in the Actions column are grayed out it means that the active account is an account on which the logged-in user is a proxy. Active account can be changed in accounts selector below the main menu,
    • Investment funds - all funds owned by the logged-in user,
    • Sponsor - all assets in the sponsor registry owned by the logged-in user,
    • Summary - total assets owned by the logged-in user.


    The Accounts frame presents the following information:

    • Number and name of the account,
    • Value of financial funds,
    • Pricing of financial instruments,
    • Total value of financial funds and financial instruments,
    • Links to the following actions:
      • Details,
      • History,
      • More, where you can find links to: Instrument History, Cash Transfer, CRR History, Currency Exchange and a pop-up window with the value of own funds on the account.
    Active account is highlighted in bold.


    Account name specifies the type of services available on a given account. The names of accounts specify:

    • Spot Mkt. Acct. - basic type of an account allowing placing orders at the Polish spot markets (stocks, right-to-stocks, subscription rights, bonds, investment certificates as well as warrants and index participation units),
    • Spot / Derivatives Mkt. Acct. - type of an account allowing in addition of orders available on the Spot Mkt. Acct. placing orders on the Polish futures markets (futures, options),
    • Spot Mkt. FCY Acct. - type of account allowing in addition of orders available on the Spot Mkt. Acct. placing orders on the spot foreign markets,
    • Spot / Derivatives Mkt. FCY Acct. - type of an account allowing placing orders available both on Spot / Derivatives Mkt. Acct. and Spot Mkt. FCY Acct.,
    • Day Trading - type of an account allowing placing exclusively day trading orders on the Polish spot markets i.e. an order to open the position with the use of receivables limit and an order to close the open position on the same session,
    • IKE Acct. (Polish: Indywidualne Konto Emerytalne) - type of IRA account on which the income from the completed orders are exempt from capital gain tax,
    • Short Sale Acct. - type of an account allowing placing exclusively order to sell short and sold short instruments repurchase orders,
    • Credit AUX Acct. - type of an account on which funds are recorded based on a loan for the purchase of financial instruments offered on the primary or initial public offering.


    Links in the Actions column are only available for the active account. Row with the active account is presented in bold. The number of the active account is presented on the account selector bar just below the main menu, together with the ownership of the logged in user: (H) - the holder of the account, (P) - proxy and the name of the account. To change the active account, click on required account in the account selector.

    The Accounts frame displays the numbers and names of the accounts in the context of the logged-in user ownership of these accounts:

    • If My Assets is active in the side menu than only these accounts for which a logged-in user is a holder are presented,
    • If Other Assets is active in the side menu than only these accounts for which a logged-in user is a proxy are presented.

    If no account in the Accounts frame is active (no account has active links in Actions column) than one of two situations takes place:

    • Active account - an account for which the logged-in user is a proxy (the letter "P" next to the account number in account selector) and My Assets is active in the side menu. To get access to links on the active account select Other Assets in the side menu,
    • Active account - an account for which the logged-in user is a holder (the letter "H" next to the account number in account selector) and Other Assets is active in the side menu. To get access to links on the active account select My Assets in the side menu.


    Account Details

    Details page provides information on:

    • Balance of cash account,
    • Receivables and liabilities resulting from executed transactions,
    • Balance of instrument account,
    • Receivables limit,
    • Margin of open positions in futures contracts,
    • Data on loan for the purchase of financial instruments,
    • Summary of assets on cash and instrument account.

    Account Overview

    The Account Overview frame presents the following information:

    • Cash Balance - amount of cash on the account which not include trades that have been made but not cleared by the Clearing House.

    • Derivatives Market Buying Power - funds that can be withdrawn, transferred to another account or used to finance an order on the derivatives market. For example, funds from previously cleared sales will be displayed here. Trades involving share sales, rights-to-shares and certificates are cleared for most exchange markets on the third working day after the trade was made (T+3), while trades involving the bond sales, warrants and subscription rights are cleared on the second working day after the trade (T+2).

    • Cash Market Buying Power (shares, right-to-shares, investment certs.) - Cash Balance +/-:
      • + Receivables resulting from sell trades
      • - Liabilities resulting from purchase trades still not cleared,
      • - Purchase orders verified in terms of coverage but not made,
      • - Purchase orders not verified in terms of coverage.
      They are funds that can be used to finance an order on the cash market cleared on the third working day after the trade was made (T+3).

    • Cash Market Buying Power (bonds pre-emptive rights, warrants) - funds that can be used to finance an order on the cash market cleared on the second working day after the trade was made (T+2) with the exemption of pre-emptive rights qouted on ASO NewConnect that are cleared on T+3 terms.

    • Funds Blocked on the Secondary Market - funds blocked as a result of purchase orders placed on the secondary market. After the purchase trade is made the amount of funds is included in Receivables & Liabilities frame, Liabilities column.

    • Funds Blocked on the Primary Market - funds blocked as a result of purchase orders placed on the primary market until the trade is cleared on the special session of the WSE.
    • Funds Blocked for orders in Foreign Currencies - funds blocked on PLN account as a result of purchase orders placed on the foreign markets (available on PLN account only).


    Placing a purchase order during stock exchange working hours (8:30 a.m. - 5:05 p.m. for WSE) results in immediate blocking of the funds and an appropriate reduction of the amount of Derivatives Market Buying Power and Cash Market Buying Power. In the case of purchase orders placed outside working hours the funds will be blocked at 8:30 a.m. on the next working day. If orders placed cannot be paid in full, they will be transferred to the stock exchange in the same order as they were placed and performed according to the amount of available funds.

    Value of receivables and liabilities

    Receivables & Liabilities frame presents the following information:

    • Liabilities - amount of cash that the customer will be required to have on a given day as a result of the clearing of purchase trade made, on most stock exchanges, three days earlier (shares, rights to shares or certificates) or two days earlier (bonds, pre-emptive rights, warrants). NOTE: The amount of liability is always presented as 100% of the value of the order, regardless of the actual amount of the pre-payment in the order. NOTE: Customers with receivable limit and "Permanent instruction to provide funds resulting form receivables" - the amount of liabilities does not include fees collected for the provision of funds resulting from receivables.

    • Receivables - amount of cash that will increase the Cash Balance and Derivatives Market Buying Power on a given day as a result of the clearing of sell trade made, on most stock exchanges, three days earlier (shares, rights to shares and certificates) or two days earlier (bonds, pre-emptive rights, warrants). NOTE: The amount shall not be reduced by the amount of cash withdrawn from receivables on a given day.

    • Daily Balance - for the first row it is a Cash Balance +/-:
      • + receivables on a given day,
      • - cash withdrawn from receivables on a given day,
      • - liabilities on a given day,
      • - liabilities overdue.
      For the remaining rows it is the balance of the previous day plus receivables on a given day and minus liabilties on a given day. The amount in Liabilities column in the first line is displayed in red if liabilities overdue are greater than zero. The amount in the Daily Balance column is displayed in red if it is less than zero.

    • Additional Payment Required - amount that the customer with receivables limit has to credit their account on a given day to clear trades made, on most stock exchanges three days earlier (shares, rights to shares or certificates) or two days earlier (bonds, pre-emptive rights, warrants). This is a Cash Balance +/-:
      • + sum of receivables shown in four rows above,
      • - sum of cash withdrawn from receivables,
      • - liabilities on a given day,
      • - liabilities overdue.
      If there is a possibility to use future receivables, shown in the second, third and fourth line, the required amount is used automatically (without the need for customer intervention) and a fee of 0.2% of the value of future receivables, which are used to clear current liabilities, is collected. If you do not need to supplement the funds on the account (Cash Balance plus Receivables are greater than Liabilities), the field has a value of "0.00". NOTE: Automatic use of future receivables is subject to the prior signing by the customer "Permanent instruction to provide funds resulting form receivables". The instruction is not available to customers who use at the same time receivables limit and the credit limit.


    Account Positions

    Account Positions frame presents the following information:

    • ISIN - ISIN code of a financial instrument.

    • Symbol - name of a financial instrument or a three-letter abbreviation for shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. For futures contracts in case the investor has more than one portfolio and the financial instrument belongs to a different portfolio than with the code '00' a code of portfolio is presented in brackets. Clik on the name to go to the Trading - Stock Market - New Order, likewise clicking on the Actions - More - New Order link.

    • Clearing - two-letter country code of clearing house.

    • Currency - three-letter currency code of a financial instrument.

    • Operating Registry - number of financial instruments which may be subject of order to sell.

    • Open Orders - number of financial instruments in open orders to sell. Placing order to sell during the trading system operating hours (8:30 a.m. - 5:05 p.m.) will automatically block the appropriate number of financial instruments. For orders to sell placed in other times financial instruments are blocked at 8:30 a.m. on the next session day. In case of an order placed outside the trading system operating hours does not have a full coverage in financial instruments they are transferred to the WSE up to the number of instruments in the Operating Registry.

    • Blocked - number of financial instruments blocked for reasons other than order to sell, for example, shares locked for the purpose of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

    • KDPW Positions - number of financial instruments owned by the customer. If the customer has purchase trades not yet cleared by the National Depository for Securities (or a foreign clearing house) number in this column is fewer than number in Operating Registry column. If the customer has sell trades not yet cleared number in this column is greater than numer in Operating Registry column. Clearing of purchase / sell trades takes place after three working days (shares, rights to shares and certificates) or two working days (bonds, pre-emptive rights and warrants) after the trade.

    • Mkt. Value - pricing of financial instruments is made on the following principles: financial instruments traded on the continuous trading market are priced at the closing price, the financial instruments listed on the double-fixing market are priced at the rate of the second fixing, bonds are priced at the clearing price. Pricing does not apply to derivatives. Pricing at the rate of the current day is available on the double-fixing market from approximately 5:00 p.m. and on the continuous trading market from approximately 6:00 p.m.

    • PLN Mkt. Value - pricing of financial instruments converted into PLN at the exchange rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A..

    • Actions:
      • More:
        • New Order - go to the Trading - Stock Market - New order with the following options: Symbol - the name of instrument chosen in Account Positions, Action - Sell, Price Type - Limit [LMT], Start Date - current or next session),
        • Instrument History - go to the Portfolio - My Assets or Other Assets - Accounts - More - Instrument History in the context of chosen instrument,
        • Markets – go to the Markets - Companies in the context of chosen instrument,
        • Profitability – brings up the Profitability pop-up window.


    Profitability is not calculated:

    • For derivatives. For futures contracts are presented daily gains / losses on the Portfolio - Accounts - More - CRR History page.
    • If you opened position in the period for which Santander Biuro Maklerskie does not present a cash account history / instrument history. Data are available usually for a few / several recent months.


    Profitability does not include in addition:

    • Split of shares,
    • Purchase of shares on the primary market,
    • Purchase of right-to-shares.

    ATTENTION! The profitability is only general information on the amount of profits / losses from transactions in the last few months and can not be the basis for the calculation of capital gains tax.

    Receivables Limit

    The Receivables frame presents the following information:

    • Granted - amount of granted receivables limit,
    • Used / Available - amount of used limit / amount of limit available (difference of the two previous values).


    Receivables Limit is awarded and presented only in Polish Zloty (PLN) but common for PLN and foreign currency accounts.

    Derivatives Margin Balance

    The Margin Balance frame presents the following information:

    • Initial / Maintenance - margin value determined by the KDPW-CCP or Santander Biuro Maklerskie, paid by the customer to cover risks arising from open positions in derivatives.

    • Total - total value of the two previous items.

    • Margin in Sec. (WSE only) - value of the blocked financial instruments approved by the KDPW-CCP to secure the deposit (market value at the close of the previous trading session multiplied by the weight determined by the KDPW-CCP).
      NOTE: Blocked financial instruments can constitute a maximum of 60% of the maintenance margin. The remainder of the initial margin must be in cash. Lack of funds results in the inability to place an order opening the position, even if you have blocked instruments whose value exceeds the amount of margin required,
      The system in first turn takes up to 60% of the maintenance margin in blocked securities, the difference to the amount of the initial margin - from cash. After all blocked instruments are used the margin is taken entirely from cash.
    • CRR of open positions / CRR of closed positions - CRR of open positions is the estimated result on active (unclosed) contracts you have in your account. It does not take into account closed contracts. CRR of closed positions is the result on closed contracts.
    • Intraday / standard deposit - shows the intraday / standard deposit required to be replenished.

    Additional information on the margin:

    • For a correlated position the customer pays initial margin as a difference between margins required for two correlated positions,
    • When placing an order resulting in the closure of open position the customer does not pay margin unless a correlated position is closed,
    • The sum of the initial and maintenance margin may not be less than the margin required by the KDPW-CCP. If as a result of changes in the composition of the portfolio or detrimental to a client state of the market, the total value of the margin falls below the maintenance margin required by the KDPW-CCP, the customer is required to make up the margin deposit to the value of not less than required by Santander Biuro Maklerskie.


    Short Sale Margin Balance

    The Short Sale frame presents the following information::

    • Margin - sum of the security deposit paid by the customer to cover risks arising from open short positions on short sale account and the value resulting from the settlement of purchases and sales on the short sale account,
    • Equity - the amount presented in the Margin field plus the amount of receivables resulting from the sale of instruments on short sale account,
    • Open Orders Equity Required - the amount of cash that the client must maintain on margin for open orders,
    • Open Positions Equity Required - the amount of cash that the client must maintain on margin for open short positions,
    • Margin-Equity Ratio - the percentage level of margin on short sale account. The value of margin-equity ratio is shown in red if it is less than 100% and in black otherwise.



    The Summary frame presents the following information:

    • Financial Funds - total value of cash on the PLN cash account and foreign currency sub-accounts. The value of assets denominated in foreign currencies are converted into PLN at a rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A..

    • Instr. Value - total value of financial instruments on the account, calculated as follows:
      • Financial instruments traded on the continuous trading market are priced at the closing price,
      • Financial instruments traded on the doubled-fixing market are priced at the second fixing rate,
      • Bonds are priced at the settlement price,
      • Value of financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies is converted to PLN at the rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A.,
      • Pricing does not apply to derivatives.


    Pricing at the rate of the current day is available on the doubled-fixing market from approximately 5:00 p.m. and on the continuous trading market from approximately 6:00 p.m.

    Pricing of assets is carried out separately for currency sub-accounts and totally for PLN account and currency sub-accounts where value of assets in foreign currencies is converted to PLN at the rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A..

    Cash History

    Cash History frame presents information about the history of operations on the cash account at least since the beginning of the year previous to the current one. The data is displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Date,
    • Operation Title - name of operation on the cash account,
    • Amount,
    • Acct. Balance - cash account balance after the operation,
    • Actions:
      • Details - brings up a pop-up window containing account numbers of sender and recipient of the transfer.


    By default the history of the last 7 days is presented. To change it select one of the below radio button:

    • History of the last 7 days,
    • For the selected period, limited by dates
    • For the selected month.
    and accept with Search button.


    Instrument History

    Instruments History frame presents information about the history of operations on the account of financial instruments at least since the beginning of the year previous to the current one. The data is displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Date,
    • Operation Title - name of operation on the account of financial instruments, if a trade is executed in more than one transaction, each transaction is presented as a separate operation,
    • Qty - number of instruments in operation,
    • Acct. Balance - operating registry balance after the operation.


    To display the history of an instrument it is necessary to select it. In case the customer has more than one portfolio, is shown in brackets after the name of the instrument. Portfolio code is presented only when it is different from '00'.

    By default the history of the last 7 days is presented. To change it select one of the below radio button:

    • History of the last 7 days,
    • For the selected period, limited by dates
    • For the selected month.
    and accept with Search button.


    Cash Transfer

    Cash Transfer frame allows you to complete a transfer of financial funds. Target accounts have been divided into the following categories:

    • Other Holder's Accts. – accounts at other institutions (including Santander Bank Polska S.A.). Defining the target account requires an instruction placed in the Customer Service Point of Santander Biuro Maklerskie. If no accounts at another institution were defined, the message No accts. of specified type is displayed,
    • Santander Biuro Maklerskie Holder's Accts. – accounts held for the account holder by Santander Biuro Maklerskie, used to handle transactions on the stock markets. Opening the next account at Santander Biuro Maklerskie automatically adds the account in this option. If you have one account at Santander Biuro Maklerskie, the message No accts. of specified type is displayed,
    • Not Holder's Accts. – option not available.


    Funds Avail. field presents cash that can be transferred to another account. This position is the same as the Portfolio - Details - Buying Power on the Futures Market. To complete the transfer in the Credit Acct. field select the target account, in the Amount field enter a value of transferred funds, in the Title field leave the default description or modify it. After clicking the Next button the screen with the entered parameters of the transfer is displayed. Click of Accept button executes transfer and the message Transfer will be effected subject to availability of funds on the cash account is displayed. Click of Correct button returns you to the previous screen.

    In the case of transfers to accounts at the Santander Bank Polska S.A. instructions are executed in the following way:

    • Placed on weekdays before 7 p.m. are executed immediately,
    • Placed on weekdays after 7 p.m. and on public holidays, are executed in the morning the next business day.


    In the case of transfers to accounts at institutions other than Santander Bank Polska S.A. instructions are executed in the following way:

    • Placed on weekdays before 12 p.m. are executed on the same day,
    • Placed on weekdays between 12 p.m. and 2.45 p.m. are executed on the same day, if the target bank accepts the third Elixir session transfers on the same day,
    • Placed on weekdays after 2.45 p.m. are executed the next business day.


    NOTE! In special days (such as Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve) execution of cash transfers may vary. Changed times of transfers execution are published in the form of a decree of the Member of the Management Board of Santander Biuro Maklerskie on the Zarządzenia Santander Biuro Maklerskie Uruchomi się w nowym oknie page (Polish only).

    The cash transfer is subject of a fee according to the Tariff of Fees and Commissions of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    CRR History

    CRR History frame presents information about the history of operations on the account of CRR that means profits and losses resulting from open positions in futures contracts at least since the beginning of the year previous to the current one. The data is displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Date,
    • Operation Title - name of operation on the CRR account; CRR is Daily Market Settlement. In case the customer has more than one portfolio, is shown in brackets after the name of the instrument. Portfolio code is presented only when it is different from '00'
    • Amount - positive in the case of profit for the Daily Market Settlement (CRR), negative in the case of loss.


    By default the history of the last 7 days is presented. To change it select one of the below radio button:

    • History of the last 7 days,
    • For the selected period, limited by dates
    • For the selected month.
    and accept with Search button.


    Liabilities and receivables of the parties resulting from trades in derivatives are calculated daily after the registration of trades and other operations reported to carry out on a given day in accordance with the following principles:

    • After opening position, the first Daily Market Settlement is performed on the same day. Its value is a loss for one party to the trade and the profit for the other. It is calculated as the difference between the contract price and the daily settlement price multiplied by the number of contracts recorded on the account,
    • For the remaining trading days (excluding the date of expiry of the contract) the value of the Daily Market Settlement is calculated for each day. It is the difference between the daily settlement price of the previous day and the daily settlement price of the current one multiplied by the number of contracts recorded on the account,
    • After closing position, the last Daily Market Settlement is performed on the same day. It is calculated as the difference between the price at the close of the contract and the daily settlement price of the previous session multiplied by the number of contracts,
    • If you close the open position on the same trading session the Daily Market Settlement is calculated as the difference between the prices at the time of closing and opening positions multiplied by the number of contracts.


    Currency Exchange

    Currency Exchange frame is used to exchange Polish Zloty (PLN) to Euro (EUR), U.S. Dollars (USD), British Pounds (GBP) and Swiss Francs (CHF) as well as to exchange those currencies to PLN.

    To change the currency choose in the currencies selector the currency from which the exchange will be made. If the exchange will be made from PLN in the drop-down list select the target currency to which the exchange will be made. If the exchange will be made from EUR, USD, GBP or CHF currency the target one can only be PLN. After selecting the target currency the current currency exchange rate is displayed. In the Amount to Exchange field type the amount to be exchanged. Once you press tab key the next field automatically displays the amount of the target currency. After clicking the Next button it is displayed the screen with entered parameters of the exchange. Clicking Accept button will make the exchange and display Operation completed successfully message.

    Currency exchange is made on weekdays between the hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the exchange is done on a regular basis. From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. the exchange is done at the rate of the last known table of Santander Bank Polska S.A. increased by 5% to secure the settlement due to changes in exchange rates. If as a result of the exchange it is a surplus of blocked funds they are transferred to customer's account. If as a result of the exchange it is a shortage of blocked funds, Santander Biuro Maklerskie debit the customer's account with missing amount.

    Currency exchange instructions above EUR 10,000 or USD 10,000 or GBP 7,000 or CHF 15,000 can be made at the rate negotiated at the request of the customer. Foreign exchange at a negotiated rate shall be made only in person at the Customer Service Points of Santander Biuro Maklerskie, or by calling 801 36 46 36 or 061 856 4444 (charge according to the operator's tariff), subject to the conclusion of the contract on placing instructions over the telephone. Currency exchange transactions at a negotiated rate are realized only on weekdays between the hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    Own Funds

    Brings up the Own Funds & Portfolio pop-up window containing the following information:

    • Own Funds - value of assets on the account minus any funds transferred to the account as a result of the loan for the purchase of financial instruments and the amount of the used receivables limit,
    • Portfolio - balance of the cash account increased by the amount of the initial and maintenance margin balance, sum of receivables and value of financial instruments and decreased by the amount of cash withdrawn from receivables and sum of liabilities,


    Investment Funds

    The Investment Funds frame presents the following information:

    • The total pricing of all funds converted into PLN at the exchange rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A.,
    • Actions:
      • Registries List - presents a list of all registries of participation units in investment funds,
      • Operations History - presents information on the history of operations in all registries, the logged-in user is the owner or co-owner.


    Registries List

    Registries List presents a list of all registries of participation units in investment funds. Only the registries that have been opened through Santander Biuro Maklerskie are presented. Access to data is limited to the owner and co-owner of the registry (proxy can get information about the registries only at the Customer Service Point of Santander Biuro Maklerskie).

    Registries in each frame are grouped by type of funds (funds of the same type have similar investment policy) to:

    • Stock Funds,
    • Stable Growth Funds,
    • Bond Funds,
    • Money Market Funds.


    For each fund, the following is presented:

    • Fund name,
    • Registry number,
    • Currency,
    • Shares Number - Number of units in registry,
    • Value - pricing of units in registry,
    • PLN Value - pricing converted to PLN at the exchange rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A.,
    • Actions:
      • Details - presents more detailed information of the registry,
      • History - presents history of operations for the registry.


    The frame at the bottom of the page presents the total pricing of units in all funds with following information:

    • Fund Types,
    • PLN Value - pricing converted to PLN at the exchange rate of Santander Bank Polska S.A. for a particular type of funds,
    • Percentage - percentage share of a particular type of fund in all funds held by the customer.


    NOTE! This information is derived from data obtained from the individual investment fund companies and are updated in the system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie in daily cycles and may therefore differ from registries which are run by entities authorized by investment fund companies.

    Fund Details

    Details frame presents the following information for a particular fund:

    • Fund name,
    • Fund group,
    • Product type,
    • Registry number,
    • Registry type,
    • Registry status,
    • Registry open date,
    • Registry owner first and last name,
    • Persons associated with registry,
    • Shares Number - number of participation units in a particular fund,
    • Current quotation
    • Value - pricing of participation units in a particular fund,
    • Quotation date,
    • Hold - information of units blocked,
    • Transfer on death designation,
    • Link to the fund's website.


    Operations History

    The Operations History frame is called from:

    • Portfolio - via the Operation History link in the Investment Funds frame,
    • Registries List - via the History link.


    The Operations History presents the following data on all or a given fund:

    • Order date,
    • Execution date,
    • Registry number,
    • Fund name,
    • Product type,
    • Operation type,
    • Amount,
    • Registry value after operation,
    • Status,
    • Actions:
      • Details - brings up a pop-up window containing details of operation.


    Operation Details

    The Details frame presents the following information on the details of a single operation on a given fund:

    • Order date,
    • Amount,
    • Operation reference number,
    • Registry number,
    • Fund name,
    • Product type,
    • Operation type,
    • Shares number,
    • Commission,
    • Tax,
    • Value of transaction,
    • Operation status.



    Acquisition Confirmations [Depository Certificates List]

    Depository Certs. frame presents information about financial instruments held by the customer and the financial instruments, which can be disposed of on behalf of the holder, ie. as a proxy, and which have not been deposited in the account of the owner of financial instruments, and which are recorded in the registry issue sponsor, run by Santander Biuro Maklerskie. The following information is presented:

    • Issue date - date of issuing depository certificate,
    • Acquisition confirmation number,
    • Certificate holder - first and last name of the holder of depository certificate,
    • Symbol - name of financial instrument recorded in sponsor registry,
    • Qty - number instruments recorded in sponsor registry,
    • Actions:
      • Details - brings up the Acquisition Conf. No. pop-up window.


    Details of acquisition confirmation

    The Acquisition Conf. No. pop-up window presents the following data:

    • Issue date,
    • Cert. holder - first and last name of the owner of the certificate in the sponsor registry,
    • Payment type - the way in which the customer will withdraw receivables resulting from instruments in the sponsor registry,
    • Acct. no. - number of account to be credited with receivables resulting from instruments in the sponsor registry,
    • Symbol,
    • Qty avail.,
    • Order blocked qty - placed at the Customer Service Point of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Other blocked qty,
    • Qty in KDPW - in accordance with settlements of KDPW (the National Depository for Securities).


    Receivables History

    The Receivables History frame presents information on receivables from financial instruments recorded in the sponsor registry resulting from:

    • Sale of instruments,
    • Dividends or interest.


    Sale of financial instruments and the withdrawal of dividends or interest resulting from instruments recorded in the sponsor registry can be carried out in person at the Customer Service Point of Santander Biuro Maklerskie only.

    Inwestor online platform provides a complete list of receivables history from the date of 1 April 2006. The following data is presented:

    • Date - date of creation of receivables from financial instruments recorded in the sponsor registry,
    • Payment date - date of receivables payment,
    • Acquisition confirmation number,
    • Symbol - name of financial instrument recorded in sponsor registry,
    • Amount - receivables amount after tax,
    • Receivable type:
      • D - dividend or interest,
      • S - sale of instruments.
    • Actions:
      • Details - brings up the Depository Certificate No. pop-up window.


    By default the history of the last 7 days is presented. To change it select one of the below radio button:

    • History of the last 7 days,
    • For the selected period, limited by dates
    • For the selected month.
    and accept with Search button.


    Receivables Details

    Depository Certificate No. pop-up window presents the following information:

    • Certificate holder - first and last name of the certificate holder,
    • Receivable type:
      • D - dividend or interest,
      • S - sale of instruments,
    • Net amount - receivables amount after tax,
    • Gross amount - receivables amount before tax,
    • Tax - amount of deducted tax,
    • Receivables date - right to payment date.


    For withdrawn receivables the following additional data is presented:

    • Payment type:
      • W - payment in cash,
      • P - transfer to an account,
    • Account number where funds have been transferred,
    • Payment date,
    • Message.


    Other Assets

    Selecting the Other Assets in the side menu presents data on the assets, to which the logged-in user has permissions resulting from power of attorney, in the following frames:

    • Accounts - all accounts on which the logged-in user is a proxy. If all accounts links in the Actions column are grayed out it means that the active account is an account held by the logged-in user. Active account can be changed in accounts selector below the main menu,
    • Sponsor - all assets in the sponsor registry for which the logged-in user is a proxy.

    Help for Accounts and Sponsor pages is available in Portfolio - My Assets.

  • Trading

    Stock Market

    New Order

    Trading - Stock Market - New Order page makes available to place an order:

    • on the Warsaw Stock Exchange(WSE),
    • in the Alternative Trading System called NewConnect organized by the Warsaw Stock Exchange,
    • on foreign exchanges.


    Setting the parameters of an order takes place in the New Order - Enter Parameters frame, in one out of two modes:

    • Basic - allowing the submission of orders for the current session with the limit price or the condition of PKC [Market Order], with no additional conditions,
    • Advanced - allowing the submission of orders with any combination of conditions accepted by the system of market where the order is placed.


    Basic Mode

    The order entry screen is divided into two frames:

    • New Order (order entry stage),
    • Intraday Chart of instrument which is subject of the order.


    New Order - Enter Parameters frame of basic mode contains the following fields:

    • Symbol: PL / Others - allows to select the name of a financial instrument, which is the subject of the order. Search for the name of the instrument uses Live search mechanism:
      • Entering the first letter or digit expands list of all instruments that start with the entered character,
      • Entering the second and subsequent letters or digits will narrow list to instruments containing the entered string,
      If you define the instruments in Settings - Data Display - My Instruments they will be presented at the top of list, and below the other instruments.
      Change between instruments listed on the Polish and foreign markets takes place by clicking on the relevant part of the field name (label). The selected mode is marked with a black font color and the other mode with a green font color.
      If the entered string is not included in the name of any instrument than after selecting a different element on the page the Symbol: PL / Others field is marked with a red background color. This means that the order can not be accepted,
    • Action - select from the drop-down list Buy or Sell or select the first letter on the keyboard B or S,
    • Qty / Value - enter the amount of financial instruments that are the subject of an order (the default) or in case of the spot market alternatively enter value of financial instruments that are the subject of the order. In case of the futures market or order to sell short only entering number of financial instruments is possible. Change between the number of instruments and their value is done by clicking on the relevant part of the field name (label). The selected mode is marked with a black font color and the other mode with a green font color,
    • Price Type - specify a limit price at which the customer wants to buy or sell a financial instrument or to determine the condition of PKC [Market Order]:
      • In the first case it is the price above which the buyer does not agree to buy or below which the seller does not want to sell financial instruments. Decimal separator can be a comma or a point. For the bond limit enter a percentage of the nominal value, such as 100,1 (or 100.1),
      • In the latter case, please enter the string PKC with small or capital letters,
    • More parameters - link to enter the order in advanced mode. The parameters of the order entered in a basic mode are retained,
    • Conversion to PLN - field available in case of sell order on the foreign market. When selected, funds resulting from sale of instruments quoted in foreign currencies will be automatically converted to PLN.
    • Quick Orders - if this box is checked it determines quick mode of placing orders without displaying the New Order - Verification page that contains all the parameters of the submitted order,


    Fields which are invisible in basic mode take the following values:

    • Order Type - Standard,
    • Pre-payment (order to buy on the spot market) - see rules for the implementation of pre-payment as described below on this page,
    • Portfolio (order on the derivatives market) - 00,
    • Stop Price - not applicable, in order to place stop order select an order in advanced mode,
    • Start Date - the date of the current or next session,
    • Time in Force - Day Order,
    • Disclosed Qty - not applicable, in order to place order with disclosed quantity parameter select an order in advanced mode,
    • Minimum Quantity - not applicable, in order to place order with minimum quantity parameter select an order in advanced mode.


    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • Balance - displays above fields for entering order parameter the following data(button becomes available when you select a financial instrument):
      • For order on the spot market (WSE):
        • Instrument Balance - balance of account positions,
        • Cash Balance (Spot Market) - amount of financial funds available for purchase orders cleared on the third working day (T+3),
        • Receivable Limit to Use - presents the amount of financial resources that can be used to cover a purchase order on the spot market,
        • Max Order Value - shows the maximum value of the purchase order on the spot market,
        • Minimum Pre-Payment - presents, specified as a percentage, the minimum down payment (taking into account the down payment specified in the contract for the customer or the down payment for the selected financial instrument) to allow maximum use of the available financial resources and receivable limit,
      • For order on the spot market (foreign markets):
        • Instrument Balance - balance of account positions,,
        • Cash Balance (FCY Acc.) - amount of financial funds available for purchase orders on the spot market in instrument currency,
        • Cash Balance (PLN Acc.) - amount of financial funds available for purchase orders on the spot market on PLN account converted to instrument currency,
        • Receivable Limit to Use - presents the amount of financial resources that can be used to cover a purchase order on the spot market,
        • Max Order Value - shows the maximum value of the purchase order on the spot market,
        • Minimum Pre-Payment - presents, specified as a percentage, the minimum down payment (taking into account the down payment specified in the contract for the customer or the down payment for the selected financial instrument) to allow maximum use of the available financial resources and receivable limit,
      • For order on the derivatives market:
        • Instrument Balance. - balance of account positions,
        • Cash Balance (Derivatives Market) - size of financial funds available for orders on the derivatives market,
        • Instr. to Use as Margin - value of the blocked instruments which can be used as a margin securing open positions on the futures market,
      • For order to sell short:
        • Cash Balance (Short) - amount of available funds for orders to sell short,
        • Max shares for sell trade (Short) - maximum number of instruments that could be the subject of an order, resulting from the available funds in a short sale account and the size of deposit required,
        • Max shares for buy trade (Short) - maximum number of instruments that could be the subject of an order, resulting from the number of instruments in the balance of the operating record (sold short).
    • Order Preview - displays the following data of the order (button is available after entering the values in the Qty and Limit Price):
      • For order on the spot market (WSE):
        • Order Value - product of the number of financial instruments and limit price,
        • Commission - product of order value and commission rate,
        • Value with Commission - sum (purchase order) or differential (order to sell) of the two above fields,
        • Blocked - amount of financial funds on the account which will be blocked in order to buy,
        • Receivables Limit - value of receivables limit to be decreased in relation to the submission of a purchase order on the spot market,
      • For order on the spot market (foreign markets):
        • Order Value - product of the number of financial instruments and limit price,
        • Commission - product of order value and commission rate,
        • Value with Commission - sum (purchase order) or differential (order to sell) of the two above fields,
        • Blocked on FCY Acc. - amount of funds blocked on foreign currency account including funds blocked on PLN account in absence of sufficient funds on the foreign currency account.
        • Incl. Blocked on PLN Acc. - amount of funds blocked on PLN account converted to instrument currency.
        • Exchange Rate - currency exchange rate and amount of funds blocked on PLN account in account account currency.
        • Receivables Limit - value of receivables limit to be decreased in relation to the submission of a purchase order on the spot market,
      • For order on the derivatives market:
        • Margin Value - the amount of cash that will be used as margin as a result of placing the order,
        • Commission - product of the number of financial instruments and commission rate,
        • Margin with Commission - sum of the two above fields.
      • For short sell order:
        • Order Value - product of the number of financial instruments and limit price,
        • Commission - product of order value and commission rate,
        • Value with Commission - sum (purchase order) or differential (sell order) of the two above fields,
        • Deposit Required - amount of cash that will be used as margin in a result of submission of sell order, the '0' in the case of purchase order.
    • Profitability - displays a pop-up window with information about the profitability of a trade if made on the basis of the entered parameters (button becomes available after entering values in the Qty / Value and Limit Price for order to sell on the spot market),
    • Name and function of the button on the far right hand side depends on the Quick Order settings (button becomes available after selecting the instrument and entering the values in the Action, Qty / Value, Price Type and Limit Price):
      • Unchecked box - button displays Next name and it brings up New Order - Verification page that contains all the parameters of the order submitted,
      • Checked box - button displays Accept name and saves the order in the computer system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie and depending on the phase of the session it can send the order to the trading system of WSE.


    New Order - Verification frame in basic mode presents the parameters of entered order and the following default values:

    • Order Type - Standard,
    • Pre-payment (order to buy on the spot market) - 100%,
    • Portfolio (order on the derivatives market) - 00,
    • Stop Price - not applicable, in order to place stop order select an order in advanced mode,
    • Start Date - the date of the current or next session,
    • Time in Force - Day Order,
    • Disclosed Quantity - none,
    • Minimum Quantity - none.


    In case of order on foreign market additionally presented are the following fields:

    • Conversion to PLN (sell order only) - shows if funds resulting from order settlement will be automatically converted to PLN..
    • Blocked on FCY Acc. - amount of funds blocked on foreign currency account including funds blocked on PLN account in absence of sufficient funds on the foreign currency account.
    • Incl. Blocked on PLN Acc. - amount of funds blocked on PLN account converted to instrument currency.
    • Exchange Rate - currency exchange rate and amount of funds blocked on PLN account in account account currency.


    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • Back - returns to the previous page,
    • Accept - saves the order in the computer system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie and depending on the phase of the session it can send the order to the trading system of WSE..


    New Order - Confirmation frame presents the order parameters stored in the computer system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • New Order - go to New Order - Enter Parameters frame, allowing submission of another order.


    Intraday Chart frame is available under the following conditions:

    • In the Symbol: PL / Other an instrument listed on the WSE or NewConnect has been chosen ,
    • The user has an active order of receipt of quotations in real time. You can check the status of your order in the My Services - Services - Quotes and Technical Analysis - Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW).


    Data available in the frame:

    • The frame title bar displays the name and three-letter ticker for shares listed on the WSE and NewConnect,
    • On the left side of the workspace:
      • Qty B - number of instruments in the best bid offer,
      • Limit B - limit in the best bid offer, click to complete the Action field with Sell value and price limit,
      • Limit S - limit in the best ask offer, click to complete the Action field with Buy value and price limit,
      • Qty B - number of instruments in the best ask offer,
      • Ref. Price - closing price of the previous session,
      • Open - opening price of the current session,
      • Min./Max - lowest and highest price during the session,
      • Volume - trading volume,
      • Value - trading value,
      • LOP - number of open positions (for derivatives).
    • On the right side of the workspace:
      • Intraday line chart

    Data on the left side and chart are presented only for the current day from the moment the communication with the WSE system opens until the change of date. In the days without session data and chart are not presented as well as chart is not presented in the absence of the transaction.


    Advanced Mode

    New Order - Enter Parameters in advanced mode contains fields available in basic mode and the following additional fields:

    • Order Type - allows to select other than the default standard type of order. Available types depend on the type of account on which the order is placed, for example, short sell order is only available on a short sale account. Order types are described below on this page,

    • Pre-payment (%) - is used to enter a specific percentage of the ratio of the funds blocked for the order to the value of the order. Field visible as long as the cash market instrument is selected and the Buy action. Rules for entering pre-payment are described below on this page,

    • Portfolio - in case of customers having more than one portfolio on an account it is possible to determine portfolio when placing the order. By default portfolio portfolio '00' is suggested. Field visible if futures market instrument is selected,

    • Price Type - allows to select other than the default Limit price type. Types of prices are described below on this page,

    • Limit Price or Fixed Limit Price for PEG order - as opposed to the order in basic mode is used only to enter a value for the order in which you specify a limit price (Limit, Stop Limit). Field not visible if selected one of the following types of prices:
      • PKC [MO] (Market Order),
      • PCR [MTL] (Market-to-Limit),
      • Stop Loss Order.

    • Stop Price - used to enter activation limit value if the selected limit price is Stop Limit or Stop Loss. Field not visible if a different limit price selected,

    • Start Date - is used to determine the first session of the order (valid date format: dd-mm-yyyy),

    • Time in Force - allows to determine validity of the order. Validity of order types are described below on this page,

    • End Date - determines date by which the order will be valid (correct date format: dd-mm-yyyy). Field visible if Good-till-Date Order is selected,

    • Disclosed Quantity - order including a condition of disclosed value may be passed to the stock exchange during any session stages in the system of continuous quotation and in the single-price system, excluding the intervention phase. A disclosed value order is executed gradually. The placer of the order determines the value of parts in which the order is to be executed, and therefore the number of instruments to be disclosed on a one-off basis (which must be equal to at least 10 units and value of an order must be at least PLN 50 0000 in case of equities quoted in PLN, PLN 2 000 in case of bonds quoted in PLN or EUR 10 000 in case of any financial instrument quoted in EUR),

    • Minimum Quantity - order with minimum execution volume it is necessary to determine a minimum number of securities for which the Investor agrees for the instruction to be executed. An order of this type may be passed to the stock exchange only in the post-auction trading phase and during the continuous quotation trading, but excluding market balancing periods. If orders entered on the other side of the order book are such that it is not possible to perform the order at least in the volume specified by the investor, the order will be rejected. After the order has been partially executed (taking the minimum condition under consideration), the remaining part shall be kept in the order book as an order without a minimum performance limit,

    • Fewer Parameters - link to enter the order in basic mode. The parameters of the order entered in advanced mode is retained, with the exception of parameters, which in basic mode take the default values, such as Order Type - Standard.


    New Order - Verification and New Order - Confirmation frames present information in a way similar to the one presented in basic mode.

    Order Types


    • Standard - normal type of order available for every type of account with the exception of the short sale account,

    • One Cancels Other (OCO) - special order, designed to comfortably close open positions in derivatives. Is a combination of two orders, limit order (labeled Take) and protective order called Cut. Take sub-order is to realize a profit. Cut sub-order is a Stop Limit or Stop Loss order. It is used to protect against unwanted by the investor, but a possible loss in market realities.
      To place OCO order in the Order Type drop-down list choose OCO. Application form requires a single entering of order parameters. When placing OCO order enter the name of a financial instrument that is to be the subject of sub-orders. Determine the type of operation. Enter number of instruments to buy or sell.
      When accepting OCO order accuracy of the details of the order is checked. In particular it is verified if Limit Price in Take order and Stop Price in Cut order differ enough to create a price range. In this price range, as a function of OCO order, current market price should fall at the time of placing OCO order.
      Limit Price in OCO order to buy should be lower than the last trade price (for OCO order to sell it should be higher than the last trade price). In Limit Price field for Take sub-order enter the limit price for the Take. In case of order for index futures contract limit price should be entered in points.
      Next select type of protective Cut sub-order. Stop Price in Cut sub-order should be higher than the market price (in sell Cut sub-order be lower than the market price). This allows the market price fall between Price Limit of Take sub-order and Stop Price of Cut sub-order. The difference between these two limits shall be not less than 10 points. Price Limit in protective order type (Cut sub-order) should be entered if it is the Stop Limit Order. When Cut sub-order is the Stop Loss Order, Price Limit of Cut sub-order is set to PKC [Market Order]. Before accepting order, you can change portfolio, date of the first trading session as well as expiration date.
      In case of inappropriate orders parameters an adequate message is displayed. Redefine the parameters of order after clicking Back button. Double-click on the Accept button to place the order (once when Qucik Orders is turned on).
      It is possible to execute Take, Cut or partially both of sub-orders but the total volume does not exceed the specified volume of instruments in the OCO order. When Take sub-order is partially executed than Cut sub-order is appropriatelly modified in number of instruments. If Cut sub-order is activated than Take sub-order is automatically canceled.

    • Trailing Stop is a special trailing order (Step Stop Limit / Loss). Trailing Stop to buy or sell financial instruments order consists of one order Stop Limit or Stop Loss. Stop Price in sub-order varies with the market for the benefit of customer. Trailing Stop order assumes an acceptable level of acceptable loss referred to as Trailing. In case of Stop Limit sub-order another parameter called Distance should also be set. This parameter defines the difference between Limit Price and Stop Price of sub-order.
      To place Trailing Stop order enter number of instruments to be traded on the basis of Trailing Stop order. Determine type of trailing order: Stop Limit or Stop Loss. Enter Trailing that is added to market price at the time of acceptance of order to determine Stop Price. For sell order Stop Price is the difference between the current market price of the instrument and the Trailing parameter. Distance parameter is required for the Stop Limit Order only. It allows to specify Limit Price by adding or subtracting from Stop Price depending on the type of the order. Before accepting order, you can change portfolio, date of the first trading session as well as expiration date.
      When accepting Trailing Stop order accuracy of the details of the order is checked. In particular the Trailing parameter should be no less than specified in Santander Biuro Maklerskie minimum distance for a given financial instrument. After acceptance of order the stop order is sent to the stock exchange.
      In case of favorable market price movements stop order (sub-order sent to the market based on Trailing Stop order) is modified automatically, until current trades activate the order. Activation of stop order triggers normal limit order waiting to be executed. In the case of Stop Loss triggered order is PKC [Market Order].

    • One Trigers Other order is similar in its purpose to OCO order but also has the function to open position in first place. OTO order consists of Speed sub-order, which has the task to open a position in derivatives. After the execution of Speed sub-order, Cut and Take closing sub-orders are sent. These sub-orders, similar to the OCO order, are designed to limit loss and realize profit.

      To place OTO order in the Order Type drop-down list choose OTO. Enter parameters of the order and price limits. If Time in Force was chosen as FAK, FOK then Take i Cut sub-orders are Day Orders. When accepting OTO order accuracy of details of the order is checked. In case of inappropriate parameters of order accurate messages are displayed.
      Limit Price and Stop Price should be away enough to define the price range in which the following data will be included:
      • Market price, if Speed is PKC [MO] or PCR [MTL],
      • Stop Price of Speed order, if Speed order is stop order,
      • Limit Price of Speed order, if Speed order is limit order.

      Difference between Limit Price in Take sub-order and Stop Price in Cut sub-order should be at least as determined by Santander Biuro Maklerskie for a particular financial instrument (e.g. 5 points).

      After placing the advanced order, we can observe a status of this order on the Trading - Exchange - Current Orders & Trades page. In the case of the total execution of Speed sub-order closure orders for the same number of instruments each are issued. After the full execution of SToC order the balance on the securities account remains unchanged compared to the initial situation. The open position has been closed. To cancel SToC order click Cancel link in the row of the order on the Trading - Exchange - Current Orders & Trades page. If you are interested in the history of the previous sessions, then archived advanced orders are available for viewing on the Trading - Exchange - Archive Orders & Trades page. The page presents the standard orders first and then archival advanced orders.

      Trades on the basis of sub-orders that make up the OCO, TP and OTO advanced orders are presented on the Trading - Exchange - Current orders & Trades page. Trades based on standard orders are presented there as well. Trades on the basis of sub-orders of the previous sessions are to be found on the Trades - Exchange - Archive Orders & Trades page.

    • Short Sale - allows to make a profit on declines in instrument prices. This allows to sell selected instruments without having to have them on account at the time of placing order. Short sale can be performed on selected instruments. A list of instruments available for short sale is published by Santander Biuro Maklerskie on the base of WSE list. Santander Biuro Maklerskie executes short sale orders on a day trading principles.
      In order to short sale instruments the customer has to expand their contract on Short Sale Acct.
      The difference between standard order to sell and short sale order is that in the first case at the time of placing order to sell the seller must be a holder of instruments (or have the right to receive them) and in the latter case the seller does not have to have instruments on their account.
      By entering into a short sale trade investor opens the so-called short position. To close a short position investor must deliver instruments sold earlier. If the price at which investor buys instruments will be lower than the cost of their purchase then investor makes profit. Otherwise they incur a loss.
      The customer is obliged to buy back previously sold instruments or deliver them on Short Sale Acct. in other ways until 4:30 p.m. on the date of the short sell trade. In the absence of repurchase execution or lack of orders placed by the customer Santander Biuro Maklerskie after 4.30 p.m. enters repurchase order on the customer's account or modifies an existing order to repurchase sold ealier instruments..
      The customer can place short sell orders only for ongoing session or when the customer places an order out of session hours for the next session. Short sell orders can be placed at the ongoing session up to 4.30 p.m.
      In order to place short sell order the customer has to have the Short Sale Acct. and margin in the amount specified by Santander Biuro Maklerskie.
      Information about the risks connected with short sale is available on the, in the Disclaimer and Risk - Introduction section (Polish version).


    Price Types


    • Limit [LMT]- the customer determines the price at which they want to buy or sell an instrument. In case of purchase this price is equal to the maximum price at which the customer agrees to execute the order, and in case of sale orders, the minimum price at which the customer is willing to sell instruments. For bonds the limit should be entered as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. In case of futures contracts the limit should be entered in index points.

    • PKC [MO] (Market Order) - order with no price limit, can be submitted to the exchange in continuous trading system in the opening call, in the closing call, and in the continuous trading phase and in the single-price auction system in the opening call. PKC [MO] orders are executed at the best possible prices of opposite orders awaiting execution in the order book. An unexecuted part of an PKC [MO] order remains in the order book. When a PKC [MO] order is accepted, if the only order opposite to the PKC [MO] order in the order book is a PKC [MO] order, the PKC [MO] order is executed at a price equal to the price of the last trade made on that day and if there is no trade – at the reference price for dynamic collars.

    • PCR [MTL] (Market-to-Limit) - order with no price limit, can be submitted to the exchange in continuous trading system in the opening call, in the continuous trading phase, and in the closing call and in the single-price auction system – in the opening call. In the continuous trading phase, a PCR [MTL] orders are executed at the best possible price of an opposite order awaiting execution in the order book. If a PCR [MTL] order is executed in part, the unexecuted part of the order is converted into a limit order at a price equal to the price of the last trade. When a PCR [MTL] order is accepted, if the only order opposite to the PCR [MTL] order in the order book is a PKC [MO] order, the PCR [MTL] order is executed at a price equal to the price of the last trade made on that day and if there is no trade – at the reference price for dynamic collars.

    • Stop Limit Order - order with an activation limit which is disclosed only when the theoretical opening price or last market price in the continuous quotation system reaches a level determined by the customer. It must therefore contain, apart from the limit at which the order becomes active, an execution limit. It can be introduced on the stock exchange in all session phases in the continuous quotation system and in the single-price system, except for the intervention and post-auction phase. The activation limit must be equal to, or in the case of order to buy lower than, or in the event of order to sell higher than, the order limit. When the order is being placed the activation limit must be higher than the last market price, in the case of order to buy, or lower, in the case of order to sell. If no last market price is available, the closing price of the previous session will be used.

    • Stop Loss Order - an order with an activation limit and a request to execute the order at any price.

    • PEG - order with a limit linked to the reference price (i.e., a limit tracking changes of the reference price). The reference price for a PEG order is the limit of the best order on the same side of the order book as the PEG order (Primary Peg). A PEG order limit is updated on a continuous basis.


    Time in Force Types


    • Day Order - order valid for the current session only.

    • Good-till-Date (GTD) - order valid up to date entered in the text field (date format dd-mm-yyyy).

    • Good-till-Time (GTT) - order valid up to time entered in the text field (time format hh:mm:ss). The expiry time applies to the current trading day.

    • Valid-for-Auction (VFA) - order accepted in the system during each phase of the trading session but participating only in the next scheduled auction (opening, closing, or resumed trading in suspended instrument). The unexecuted part of the order is cancelled immediately after the auction is completed. All orders with VFA validity are automatically cancelled after trading session closes.

    • Valid-for-Closing (VFC) - order accepted during each phase of the trading session but only participating in the closing auction. The unexecuted part of the order is cancelled immediately after the closing auction is completed. All orders with VFC validity are automatically cancelled after trading session closes.

    • Fill-and-Kill (FAK) - order valid until the first trade (or transactions, if the order is executed in a number of simultaneous transactions) is made. The order is executed immediately after it has been introduced, and may be executed partially. In the latter case the non-executed part will expire. The order may be placed on the stock exchange during any phase in the continuous quotation system and in the single-price system, with the exception of the intervention phase.

    • Fill-or-Kill (FOK) - order valid until the first trade (or transactions, if the order is executed in a number of simultaneous transactions) is made. The order is executed in total immediately after it has been introduced and cannot be executed in part. If orders entered on the other side of the order book are such that it is not possible to execute the total of the order, it expires.

    • Good-till-Canceled (GTC) - order valid for an indefinite period of time.


    Rules for entering amount of pre-payment


    • Simple Mode Order:
      • Spot Market - for the customer using the receivable limit order is accepted with a minimum value of two - user limit and the limit of the instrument, e.g. if the limit for the customer is 30%, and 50% for the instrument, the order is accepted with the amount of pre-payment of 50%,
      • Day trading Acct. - order is accepted with the amount of pre-payment of 15%,
      • Derivatives Market - instead of pre-payment margin acct. is credited. The pre-payment field is not visible.

    • Advanced Mode Order:
      • Spot Market - placing an order in Trading - Stock Market - New order, the system always suggests the amount of pre-payment of 100%. Customers using receivable limit can adjust the size of the pre-payment on the condition that it will not be less than the amount specified in the contract with the customer or the minimum pre-payment amount set for each instrument,
      • Day trading Acct. - order is accepted with the amount of pre-payment of 15%,
      • Derivatives Market - instead of pre-payment margin acct. is credited. The pre-payment field is not visible.

    Attention! Customers who decide to invest on the NewConnect market should be aware that higher potential for growth of companies quoted on this market is connected with higher investment risk. It results from quoting on the market companies of short history and running on very volatile and competitive segment of economy like new technology and of low market capitalization.

    Current Orders & Trades

    The Current Orders & Trades page presents information on the following data:

    • Current orders,
    • Current trades,
    • Summary of current turnover on active account,
    • Cancellation of the order,
    • Modifying the order.


    Search of current orders and trades can be limited to a single financial instrument by entering its name in the instrument field and clicking the Search button.

    Current Orders Overview

    Current Orders Overview frame allows to view information about orders:

    • Placed during the current trading session, as well as modify and cancel orders that have not been fully completed,
    • canceled by the customer,
    • And whose validity has not expired, regardless of whether they were placed through the Inwestor online platform, Inwestor mobile app, by phone, or at the Customer Service Point of Santander Biuro Maklerskie


    Background color of row, which presents the order depends on the status of the order:

    • Orders active - white,
    • Orders inactive, executed in part or in whole - light gray
    • Orders inactive, which execution is zero - dark gray.


    The data is presented in a table with the following columns:

    • Order No. - order number assigned by the system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,

    • B/S - B - purchase, S - sale,

    • Symbol - name of a financial instrument, for shares listed on the Stock Exchange three-letter abbreviations are used. In the event that the customer has more than one portfolio after the name of a financial instrument the portfolio code is presented but only when it is different from '00',

    • Cl. House - two-letter country code of clearing house,

    • Qty - number of financial instruments in order,

    • Limit Price - limit price of order, in case of PKC [Market Order] order to buy, Stop Loss, PCR [MTL] the maximum price allowed by the Rules set out by the Warsaw Stock Exchange is displayed which depends on change of market rate up to a day limited by time in force,

    • Start Date - date of the first session at which order is valid,

    • Time in Force - date of the last session at which the order is valid, the field may contain the following conditions: Immediate-or-Cancel, Fill-or-Kill, Good-till-Canceled,

    • Status:
      • A - active order, order accepted by Santander Biuro Maklerskie and verified in terms of having sufficient coverage in funds or instruments, accepting the order results in the funds or instruments necessary to execute the order being blocked,
      • B - current order, order which has not been accepted by Santander Biuro Maklerskie and verified in terms of having sufficient coverage in funds or instruments. No funds or instruments have been blocked by this order (this status only appears outside of the stock exchange on-line system working hours - between 5:05 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. on the day after the current session),
      • D - order under cancellation (this status only appears outside of the stock exchange on-line system working hours - between 5:05 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. on the day after the current session),
      • M - order under modification (this status only appears outside of the stock exchange on-line system working hours - between 5:05 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. on the day after the current session),
      • R - archive order, that means cancelled, executed, rejected by stock exchange or no more valid,

    • Additional Terms:
      • In case of cancellation of the order by the user description depends on whether the order was sent to the Exchange system:
        • If the canceled order had been previously submitted to the Exchange system, that is, at the time of cancellation was labeled 'A' in the Status column, then after cancellation, the Additional Terms column for standard orders displays information on canceled order with number of financial instruments canceled in bracket, e.g. Canceled(1), and for advanced orders - order type, i.e. ToC, SToC SSL without number of financial instruments canceled, e.g. ToC / Canceled,
        • If the order was canceled before sending to the Exchange system, that is, at the time of cancellation was labeled 'B' in the Status column, then after cancellation, the Additional conditions column for standard orders displays price type, e.g. Limit [LMT], PKC [MO], PCR [MTL], etc., and for advanced orders - order type, i.e. ToC, SSL or SToC,
      • In the case of open or completed order for standard orders price type is presented, e.g. Limit [LMT], PKC [MO], PCR [MTL], etc., and for advanced orders - order type, i.e. ToC, SSL or SToC,

    • Filled Qty - number of financial instruments executed,

    • Actions:
      • Cancel - link to cancel an order, available if the requested order can be canceled. Canceling the order is described below on this page,
      • Modify - link to modify an orders, available if the requested order can be modified. Modifying the order is described below on this page,
      • Details - link to bring up a pop-up window with a preview of the order and trades parameters carried out on the basis of this order, and preview of the profitability of orders,
      • History - link to bring up a pop-up window with the history of order.


    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • Button to refresh records in the frame,
    • Navigation buttons if number of records in the frame must be divided into sub-pages,
    • Drop-down list allows to specify the maximum number of records in the frame,
    • Quick Orders indicator:
      • Checked - Quick Orders on,
      • Cross Quick Orders off.
    Quick Orders status can be changed in the Settings - Data Display - Default Values.


    Current Trades Overview

    Current Trades Overview frame allows to get information about trades executed on a given day. The read data is displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Order No. - order number assigned by the system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • B/S - B - purchase, S - sale,
    • Symbol - name of a financial instrument, for shares listed on the Stock Exchange three-letter abbreviations are used. In the event that the customer has more than one portfolio after the name of a financial instrument the portfolio code is presented but only when it is different from '00',
    • Cl. House - two-letter country code of clearing house,
    • Filled Qty - number of instruments in trade,
    • Unit Price - price at which the trade was completed,
    • Trade Value - value of trade without commission,
    • Commission - value of commission,
    • Value with Commission - value of trade with commission,
    • Actions:
      • Details - link to bring up a pop-up window with a preview of the order and trades parameters carried out on the basis of this order, and preview of the profitability of orders.


    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • Button to refresh records in the frame,
    • Navigation buttons if number of records in the frame must be divided into sub-pages,
    • Drop-down list allows to specify the maximum number of records in the frame,
    • Quick Orders indicator:
      • Checked - Quick Orders on,
      • Cross Quick Orders off.
    • Total Trades - brings up a pop-up window with the following data:
      • Value of trades on the spot market,
      • Commission resulting from trades on the spot market,
      • Number of instruments in trades on the spot market,
      • Number of instruments in trades on the derivatives market (futures contracts),
      • Commission resulting from trades on the derivatives market (futures contracts).


    Quick Orders status can be changed in the Settings - Data Display - Default Values.

    Order Cancellation

    Cancellation of order depends on Quick Order status:

    • When value of this parameter is off, click on Cancel link to display Cancel Order - Verification frame with all parameters of order to be canceled,
    • When value of this parameter is on, click on Cancel link to send a request of cancellation to trading system of stock exchange.


    Cancel Order - Verification frame presents parameters of order to be canceled with the following buttons in the footer:

    • Back - allows to return to the previous page,
    • Accept - sends a request of cancellation to trading system of stock exchange.


    Cancel Order - Confirmation presents parameters of cancelled order stored in the computer system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    The following button is available in footer of the frame:

    • Back - allows to return to Current Orders & Trades page.


    Cancellation instructions placed within the stock exchange system working hours (8.30 a.m. - 5.05 p.m.) are instantly passed to the WSE, and result in the Portfolio - Accounts - Details values being updated. Instructions placed outside these hours are communicated to the stock exchange at 8:30 a.m. on the next session day. Until the cancellation instruction has been communicated to the WSE, the Portfolio - Accounts - Details values remain unchanged. An order for which a cancellation instruction has been given but which has not yet been passed to the WSE is displayed in the table, marked with D(P) status which means "under cancellation".

    Order Modification

    Modification of order depends on Quick Order status:

    • When value of this parameter is off, do not click on Modify link to display Modify Order - Enter Parameters frame to enter all parameters of order to be modified,
    • When value of this parameter is on, click on Modify link to send a request of modification of order to trading system of stock exchange.


    After having confirmed changed parameters of order in Modify Order - Enter Parameters frame Modify Order - Verification is displayed containing all the parameters of order to be modified with the following buttons in the footer:

    • Back - allows to return to the previous page,
    • Accept - sends a request of modification to trading system of stock exchange.


    Modify Order - Confirmation presents parameters of modified order stored in the computer system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    The following button is available in footer of the frame:

    • Back - allows to return to Current Orders & Trades page.


    The following parameters are subject to modification:

    • Number of financial instruments in order,
    • Limit Price,
    • Stop Price (entering and changing of limit, but you cannot modify order by removing stop price),
    • Date of the last session,
    • Disclosed quantity,
    • Minimum quantity.


    The following parameters are not subject to modification:

    • Portfolio (for orders on derivatives market),
    • Symbol,
    • Action (Buy / Sell),
    • Pre-payment amount,
    • Removal of Stop Price,
    • Start Date,
    • Orders placed on foreign markets,
    • Orders placed on the BondSpot market.


    In case of modifications involving:

    • Increase of disclosed quantity,
    • Increase in the volume of orders without disclosed quantity condition,
    • Change of limit price or price type,
    • Entering or change of stop price,
    order loses its time priority is the system of the stock exchange, and modification is treated as entering a new order. For other types of modifications, order preserves its time priority in the system of the stock exchange.


    Modifications instructions placed within the stock exchange system working hours (8.30 a.m. - 5.05 p.m.) are instantly passed to the WSE, and result in the Portfolio - Accounts - Details values being updated. Instructions placed outside these hours are communicated to the stock exchange at 8:30 a.m. on the next session day. Until the modification instruction has been communicated to the WSE, the Portfolio - Accounts - Details values remain unchanged. An order for which a modification instruction has been given but which has not yet been passed to the WSE is displayed in the table, marked with M(A) status which means "under modification" and cannot be re-modified.

    Archive Orders & Trades

    The Archive Orders & Trades page presents information on the following data:

    • Archive orders,
    • Archive trades,
    • Summary of archive turnover on active account.

    Archive Orders Overview

    Archive Orders Overview frame allows to browse archival information about orders, i.e. orders canceled, completed or expired at least since the beginning of the year previous to the current one.

    The data is presented in a table with the following columns:

    • Order No. - order number assigned by the system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • B / S - B - purchase, S - sale,
    • Symbol - name of a financial instrument, for shares listed on the Stock Exchange three-letter abbreviations are used. In the event that the customer has more than one portfolio after the name of a financial instrument the portfolio code is presented but only when it is different from '00',
    • Clearing House - two-letter country code of clearing house,
    • Qty - number of financial instruments in order,
    • Limit Price - limit price of order, in case of PKC [Market Order] order to buy, Stop Loss, PCR [MTL] the maximum price allowed by the Rules set out by the Warsaw Stock Exchange is displayed which depends on change of market rate up to a day limited by time in force,
    • Start Date - date of the first session at which order is valid,
    • Time in Force - date of the last session at which the order is valid, the field may contain the following conditions: Immediate-or-Cancel, Fill-or-Kill, Good-till-Canceled,
    • Status:
      • R - archival order, i.e. order canceled, completed, or rejected by the WSE or expired,
    • Additional Terms:
      • In case of cancellation of the order by the user description depends on whether the order was sent to the Exchange system:
        • If the canceled order had been previously submitted to the Exchange system, that is, at the time of cancellation was labeled 'A' in the Status column of the current orders overview, then after cancellation, the Additional Terms column for standard orders displays information on canceled order with number of financial instruments canceled in bracket, e.g. Canceled(1), and for advanced orders - order type, i.e. ToC, SToC SSL without number of financial instruments canceled, e.g. ToC / Canceled,
        • If the order was canceled before sending to the Exchange system, that is, at the time of cancellation was labeled 'B' in the Status column of current orders overview, then after cancellation, the Additional conditions column for standard orders displays price type, e.g. Limit [LMT], PKC [MO], PCR [MTL], etc., and for advanced orders - order type, i.e. ToC, SSL or SToC,
      • In the case of completed or expired order for standard order price type is presented, e.g. Limit [LMT], PKC [MO], PCR [MTL], etc., and for advanced orders - order type, i.e. ToC, SSL or SToC,
    • Filled Qty - number of financial instruments in completed order,
    • Actions:
      • Details - link to bring up a pop-up window with a preview of the order and trades parameters carried out on the basis of this order, and preview of the profitability of orders,
      • History - link to bring up a pop-up window with the history of order.


    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • Button to refresh records in the frame,
    • Navigation buttons if number of records in the frame must be divided into sub-pages,
    • Drop-down list allows to specify the maximum number of records in the frame.


    Archive Trades Overview

    Archive Trades Overview frame allows to get information about trades executed in the past, at least since the beginning of the year previous to the current one, as well as on a current day. The read data is displayed in a table where each column contains the following information:

    • Order No. - order number assigned by the system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • B/S - B - purchase, S - sale,
    • Symbol - name of a financial instrument, for shares listed on the Stock Exchange three-letter abbreviations are used. In the event that the customer has more than one portfolio after the name of a financial instrument the portfolio code is presented but only when it is different from '00',
    • Clearing House - two-letter country code of clearing house,
    • Filled Qty - number of instruments in trade,
    • Limit Price - limit price of order, in case of PKC [MO] order to buy, Stop Loss, PCR [MTL] the maximum price allowed by the Rules set out by the Warsaw Stock Exchange is displayed which depends on change of market rate up to a day limited by time in force,
    • Unit Price - price at which the trade was completed,
    • Trade Value - value of trade without commission,
    • Commission - value of commission,
    • Value with Commission - value of trade with commission,
    • Actions:
      • Details - link to bring up a pop-up window with a preview of the order and trades parameters carried out on the basis of this order, and preview of the profitability of orders.


    Footer of the frame contains the following buttons:

    • Button to refresh records in the frame,
    • Navigation buttons if number of records in the frame must be divided into sub-pages,
    • Listę rozwijaną, pozwalającą określić maksymalną ilość rekordów w ramce na jedną stronę,
    • Drop-down list allows to specify the maximum number of records in the frame,


    Summary of trades on active account

    Total Trades - brings up a pop-up window with the following data:

    • Value of trades on the spot market,
    • Commission resulting from trades on the spot market,
    • Number of instruments in trades on the spot market,
    • Number of instruments in trades on the derivatives market (futures contracts),
    • Commission resulting from trades on the derivatives market (futures contracts).


    Orders Basket

    Trading - Stock Market - Basket Orders page allows to pre-define order parameters, which can then be transferred to the system of the WSE individually or in a group of numerous orders. The following operations are possible:

    • Adding, modifying and deleting individual orders in basket,
    • Modifying number of orders in an external application,
    • Entering a single order to IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Entering numerous orders to IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.


    Adding, modifying, and deleting individual orders in the basket

    Adding orders takes place by clicking on Basket Orders link. Parameters of new orders are entered the same way as when placing order directly on stock market. After accepting order parameters, click Add to Basket to place order in the table. When you add an order on the derivatives market to Orders Basket the code of portfolio is not verified. The verification takes place at the time the order is entered to IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    For each order in basket the following actions, after clicking on the appropriate link, are possible:

    • Place - allows to place order from basket,
    • Modify - allows to modify parameters of order in basket, modifying order in the basket is the same as the modification of the order passed to the system Brokerage,
    • Delete - removes a single order from basket,
    • Date - changes Start Date for current day and End Date for a date retaining the validity period of the order before the change of Start Date.


    Modifying numerous orders in the external application

    If there are more orders defined in basket, the more convenient way to modify their parameters is to use an external application such as a text editor or spreadsheet. To do this, select the Export button. In the File Download dialog box, click Save, and then select a folder on your hard drive where the file is to be saved. The 'koszyk.exp' default file name can be changed to any other. Export of file ends up by clicking the Close button in the Download complete dialog box and by clicking the Close button in the Export dialog box.

    When you open the spreadsheet, it is best to use the Text Import Wizard and select the import of separators, and as a separator to indicate the character "|". This will allow you to load each parameter in a separate field of Worksheet. After making the desired changes in parameters of orders save the file, and then return to Inwestor online platform to import the modified file. Click the Import button to import a file. In the Select file dialog box select the file with modified order and accept bu clicking the Open button. Correctness of operations is presented in the form of import orders screen, which shows order parameters of the import file and below information on number of orders imported or rejected.

    Using the external application to change parameters of orders, please note that:

    • Import of orders modified in external application does not replace original orders in basket but adds new ones. If the goal of the customer is to have only modified orders in basket, delete original orders from your basket. Orders can be removed individually using the Delete link or jointly - selecting several individual orders or choose Check All link and then delete them in bulk using the Remove Checked link.

    • Each file import add all of its order to basket, even if no file has been changed.

    • The import file format does not verify the accuracy of the order of fields in each input file change. Entering in Action field any character other than "B" or "S" causes rejection of the request for the import file. Parameters in which the customer enters numbers on the screen, placing an order, such as number of instruments in the order or limit buy / sell is not verified, which means that the order placed with a comma instead of a period at the limit price will be accepted when importing the file, but it is not accepted when it is placed from basket to the IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.


    Transferring single order into IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie

    Transferring numerous orders into IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie

    Submitting at the same time more than one order requires to select a single order or click Check All link, and then clicking Place Checked. Then the New Order from Basket 1 / x - Verification is displayed, where 'x' denotes number of orders selected in basket. Each of orders should be accepted separately by clicking the Accept button. The Next button allows to go to the next order. The Correct button allows to change value of order parameters, and the Skip button to jump to the next order without approval of the current order transfer to the IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    Placing an order from basket does not withdraw the order of list of orders in basket. To delete order from basket:

    • Click the Delete link,
    • Select orders to be deleted and then click the Remove Checked link,


    Attention! If Quick Orders function is active clicking the Place or Place Checked links enters orders immediatelly into IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie. It should be noted that in this case it is not possible to correct parameters of order. The system displays the parameters of order placed with the Order has been accepted message. The Next button allows to go to the next order.

    Primary Market

    New Subscription - List

    The New Subscription - List presents a list of instruments currently offered on the primary market and enables subscribing to these instruments. Lack of instruments means that Santander Biuro Maklerskie at the moment does not accept any subscriptions via Internet online website on the primary market.

    List of instruments, which are accepted is presented in a table containing the following columns:

    • Instr. Code - code assigned for the offer,
    • Instrument - name of instrument, which helps to identify the issuer,
    • Subscription Period:
      • From - date and time of commencement of the subscription period,
      • End - date and time of completion of the subscription period,
    • Submit - link, which opens a page of new subscription on the primary market.


    New Subscription

    The New Subscription page allows to enter a new subscription order on the primary market. The rules for entries are specified in the prospectus prepared in connection with the public offering. In particular, the prospectus specifies the class of persons entitled to purchase of financial instruments, the minimum and maximum amounts of these instruments possible to subscribe for by one investor, the rules for subscription by proxy, timing and form of making payments.

    Santander Biuro Maklerskie, taking into account in particular the provisions of the prospectus, each time before offering will determine the conditions under which subscriptions orders can be submitted via the Internet. It is noted that the possible limitations, in particular, may relate to:

    • subscription orders may be submitted only by holders of brokerage accounts,
    • subscription orders may be submitted only by customers with a specific legal status, e.g. natural persons only, or residents exclusively, etc.


    Subscriptions orders may be submitted only by investors who in the brokerage contract gave power of attorney to Santander Biuro Maklerskie to submit on behalf of the them orders on the primary market. When placing an order investor will be required to provide financial funds to pay for this order.

    Data entered in a new subscription order depends on the type of offer and the conditions referred to above. On the New subscription page the following fields have to be filled in:

    • Qty - number of instruments in the subscription order; this value must fall in the given bracket,
    • Price Limit - if the field is not filled in automatically, specify a limit price at which the subscription is submitted. In the event that it is a specified price range, the price shall be provided within this price bracket (the issuer may reserve any minimum price step, in this case, the limit should be rounded according to the guidelines). For subscription orders in the preemptive rights th Price Limit field is inactive.


    Depending on the type of offer the subscription order may include the following additional information:

    • Instrument - name of instrument, which helps to identify the issuer,
    • Series - a series of instruments that are sold in the initial offer,
    • Remarks of Santander Biuro Maklerskie - information provided by Santander Biuro Maklerskie concerning a new subscription order,
    • Minimum Qty - minimum number of instruments in the subscription order,
    • Maximum Qty - maximum number of instruments in the subscription order,
    • Payment Type - information how subscription order will be paid for; subscription orders placed via Inwestor online platform are paid automatically by bank transfer from brokerage account; to pay for subscription order only funds indicated in Buying Power on the Cash Market (stocks, allotment certs., investment certs.) field on the Portfolio - Accounts - Details page can be used,
      ATTENTION!!! For subscription orders in pre-emptive rights cash to pay for a subscription order is not verified or collected at the time the order is placed but only when Santander Biuro Maklerskie shall place an order on behalf on an investor.
    • Value - product of the number of instruments and the price limit,
    • Acct. No. for Possible Return of Funds - account number on which funds will be refunded for possible reduction or determination of the final price below value at which subscription orders were accepted; in case of subscription orders placed via Investor online refund is always made on the brokerage account on which subscription order was placed,
    • Instructions Related to the Deposition - account number on which allocated instruments will be deposited; in case of subscription orders placed via Inwestor online platform instruments are always deposited on the brokerage acct. on which subscription order was placed,


    After subscription order has been accepted with the Accept button the New Subscription - Confirmation window is displayed where parameters of subscription order are presented. From here you can:

    • in case of error in the data entered click the Correct button,
    • accept subscription order with the Accept button what results in displaying the Subscription order successfully accepted message.


    If the conditions allow to cancel subscription order, the relevant instruction has to be placed on the My Services - Instructions - Primary Market - Cancel of instruction on the primary market page. The status of instruction is available on the My services - Instructions - Reviews page.

    Subscription History

    The Subscription History page allows to obtain information on subscription orders and subscription orders in preemptive rights submitted by the customer on the primary market. To do this, select the range of history in one of the following options:

    • History for 30 days,
    • History in the period of,
    • History for month,
    and accept it with the Search button.


    The table presents subscription orders submitted by all channels (Customer Service Offices, telephone, online), regardless of the account on which they were submitted. Statement does not include subscription orders placed by proxies. Subscription orders placed by a proxy are available when a proxy logs in.

    Inwestor online platform provides a complete list of subscription orders placed and the subscriptions history after the date of implementation of automatic acceptance of subscription orders on the primary market (1 April 2006). The list of subscription ordres contains the following elements:
    • ISIN - instrument ISIN code,
    • Symbol - instrument symbol,
    • Order No. - order number set by Santander Biuro Maklerskie IT system,
    • Date - date of placing subscription order,
    • Qty - number of instruments in subscription order,
    • Status,
    • Actions:
      • Details - opens a window with details of subscription order placed, in particular:
        • Value - indicates the total value charged at the time of placing subscription order (or at the time when Santander Biuro Maklerskie shall place an order on behalf on customer in case of pre-emptive rights); this value is calculated as a product of number of instruments and a price limit at which subscription order has been placed plus possible commission of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
        • Allocation - number and value of allocated instruments, information available after allocation of instruments,
        • Acct. No. for Possible Return of Funds - account number on which funds will be refunded for possible reduction or determination of the final price below value at which subscription orders were accepted; in case of subscription orders placed via Investor online refund is always made on the brokerage account on which subscription order was placed,
        • Instructions Related to the Deposition - account number on which allocated instruments will be deposited; in case of subscription orders placed via Inwestor online platform instruments are always deposited on the brokerage acct. on which subscription order was placed.


    New Loan

    The New Loan page allows to obtain information about available offers of loan for the purchase of instruments on the primary market or in an Initial Public Offering, as well as the submission of such application for loan. These data are only available after the selection of so-called auxiliary credit account. Changing the account can be completed on the bar right below the main menu of the site. Application for loan may be applied only by an individual who is the holder of the auxiliary credit account. For a given credit offer only one application can be submitted through the Investor online website. Subsequent requests for the same offer are accepted at the Customer Service Offices of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    Purchasing instruments on the primary market or in an Initial Public Offering with the use of funds from the loan is conditioned by prior opening of the auxiliary credit account, which is also used to monitor the repayment of the loan. Auxiliary credit account is run under the brokerage contract, on the base of relevant instruction, and it has its own number. This account does not have the full functionality of the basic investment account, so the client can perform operations on it only defined in a credit agreement (including the submission, modification and cancellation of orders to sell for securities purchased with the use of credit). Preview of auxiliary credit account through Inwestor online platform is possible only if it has been defined so for a basic investment account as well.

    ATTENTION! Opening of an auxiliary credit account does not allow placing an order to buy securities using funds from the loan for the purchase of securities on the primary market or IPO. Such order shall be filled on behalf of a client by Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    List of loans offered on the primary market or in an Initial Public Offering provides the following information:

    • Symbol - name of the instrument, for the purchase of a customer can apply for loan,
    • Application Period:
      • From - initial date, within which loan applications are accepted,
      • To - closing date, within which loan applications are accepted,
    • Margin Required - presented as a percentage of the amount of loan granted,
    • Loan Amount (PLN):
      • Minimum loan amount the customer can claim,
      • Maximum loan amount the customer can claim,
    • Actions:
      • Details - opens a window with the most important parameters of loan offered,
      • Submit - opens a window to apply for a new loan.


    Application for a Loan on the Primary Market

    The Application for a Loan on the Primary Market page allows to claim for a loan on the primary market. In order to submit a loan application the following fields should be completed:

    • Requested loan amount - loan amount the customer applies for, requested loan amount must be at least equal the minimum and not greater than the maximum,
    • Self-declared Payment - amount of payment declared by customer, the amount that will be provided to secure the loan,
    • Proposed Price - field available for bids requiring the customer to provide the price at which they want to buy financial instruments,
    • Applicant Marital Status - when referring to marital status as married, specify the spouse's personal details (name, father's name, date and place of birth, identity card, PESEL),
    • Indicate whether the client has other investment accounts in brokerage houses - if you select Yes, specify the names and addresses of brokerage houses, in which the customer has investment accounts,
    • Monthly Loans Burden - total amount of all customer burdens due to credits / loans per month,
    • Last Burden Expiry Date - date of last payment of liabilities incurred by the customer credits / loans
    • Statement of the Will - indication of whether the customer agrees to the processing of their personal data after the repayment of the loan drawn for the purchase of instruments on the primary market or the IPO.


    After having completed the above fields, click the Accept button. The next screen provides the Accept and Correct buttons. Clicking the first of them will send a credit application to Santander Biuro Maklerskie, which is confirmed by the message A loan application has been accepted. At the same time submitted application is available on the list of loans on the Primary Market - Loans History page. Clicking the second button causes to return to the previous screen, where you can correct your data.

    Details of Offered Loan

    The Details of Offered Loan presents the following parameters:

    • Instrument, for the purchase of the loan is offered,
    • Minimum amount of loan,
    • Maximum amount of loan,
    • Amount of declared payment,
    • Period of loan,
    • Minimum margin required after allocation of instruments.


    Loans History

    The Loans History page allows to obtain information on loan applications submitted and loans granted for the purchase of instruments on the primary market. Depending on the status of the loan it includes the following information:

    • Symbol - name of the instrument, for the purchase of the customer has applied for credit,
    • Amount Requested - amount of credit that the customer applied for,
    • Own Payment - amount of own funds paid by the customer,
    • Status - current status of the loan, there are three credit status:
      • pre-start - after the customer applied for the loan,
      • running - after signing the loan agreement by the customer,
      • during repayment - after allocation of instruments and before repayment of the loan,
      • repaid - after the loan was repaid.
    • Amount Granted - amount of loan granted by the bank after signing the loan agreement,
    • To re-pay - amount of loan (capital) outstanding,
    • Interest - value of the interest to pay,
    • Actions:
      • Details - opens a window Primary Market Loan No: .


    Details of Requested / Granted Loan

    The Details of Requested / Granted Loan page contains detailed information about requested or granted loan, in particular:

    • Loan No.,
    • Symbol,
    • Customer's first and last name,
    • Minimum margin required after allocation of instruments,
    • Loan date,
    • Loan repayment date,
    • Loan type,
    • Amount requested,
    • Amount of declared payment,
    • Amount of loan granted,
    • Proposed price,
    • Bank acct. no.,
    • Amount of loan (capital) outstanding,
    • Value of the interest to pay,
    • Applicant marital status,
    • Information about accts. held at other brokerage houses and the name and address of other brokerage houses,
    • Total amount of all customer burdens due to credits / loans per month,
    • Last burden expiry date.

    Value of assets blocked for orders on the primary market as well as information about your current loans margin is available on the Portfolio - Accounts - Details page.

  • Markets

    Markets page available within Inwestor online platform provides comprehensive information on the latest information, recommendations and messages. Aggregated news enriched with aesthetic chart provide a diverse range of information useful in making investment decisions. In addition, by linking the scope of the presented information with instruments held on the account it is possible to comfortably track quotes of instruments possesed or observed by the customer.

  • Quotes Table

    In order to facilitate the review of trading indices and instruments listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and NewConnect market, they are divided into the following tabs:

    • Indices - indices of the WSE and NewConnect market,
    • WIG20 - companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and included in the WIG20 index,
    • mWIG40 - companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and included in the mWIG40 index,
    • sWIG40 - companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and included in the sWIG80 index,
    • NewConnect - companies listed on NewConnect market,
    • Derivatives - derivatives traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange,
    • Watchlist - default tab presenting instruments chosen by the user.


    Up to 20 instruments are presented in one tab. If the tab has more instruments they are divided into sub-pages, which are represented with squares numbered from '1' below the quotes table. The current sub-page is highlighted with white square background, the remaining sub-pages are indicated by green squares.

    The quotes table presents data in the following columns:

    • Symbol - the icon on the left brings up the layer of chart, the name of instrument and index change indicator in relation to the closing price of the last session: green arrow - increase, blue square - no change, red arrow - decrease,
    • Ticker - in case of shares three-letter ticker, in case of other instruments repeated name of instrument,
    • Curr - three-letter code of the currency in which instrument or underlying instrument in case of derivatives is traded,
    • Trade Tm - time of the last trade,
    • Prev Cls - reference price,
    • TOP - theoretical opening price,
    • Open - opening price,
    • Low - minimum price,
    • High - maximum price,
    • Last - price of the last trade,
    • Chg % - percentage change of last trade price in relation to the reference price. Positive change is marked in green font, no change - in black, and a negative change - in red,
    • Bid Size - number of instruments in the best buy offer,
    • Bid - limit price for the best buy offer,
    • Ask - limit price for the best sell offer,
    • Ask Size - number of instruments in the best sell offer,
    • Volume - trading volume,
    • Value - trading value.


    Hovering mouse over the line will highlight it with blue color. Change of value in one of the columns: Last, BidSize, Bid, Ask, AskSize causes change of the cell background color: if the previous value was lower - in green, if the previous value was higher - in red. In case of values equal and greater than a million in Bid Size, Bid, Ask and Ask Size columns figures are rounded down to the nearest thousand, such as turnover of '1 000 001' is presented as '1000k', turnover of '1 000 999' is also presented as '1000k'.

    Clicking on value in column Bid or Ask brings up a pop-up window with Sell or Buy order accordingly (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - Yes) or Trading - Stock Market - New Order (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - No). The New Order - Enter Parameters pop-up window contains the following items:

    • The name of instrument selected in the quotes table,
    • Action - Buy or Sell depending on clicking offer to sell or purchase,
    • Qty - input field for entering number of instruments in order, initially filled up as follows:
      • For Bid in case of futures contracts the field is filled with value '1', whereas for other instruments it is filled with lesser of the two values: number of instruments in offer to buy or number of instruments in operating registry,
      • For Ask in case of futures contracts the field is filled with value '1', whereas for other instruments it is filled with lesser of the two values: number of instruments in offer to sell or number of instruments limited by buying power on the cash market,
    • Limit Price - input field for entering a limit price,
    • Limit [LMT], PKC [MO], PCR [MTL] - radio buttons allow placing Limit, Market or Market-To-Limit Order,
    • More parameters - link opens Trading tab in the main menu, and the parameters in pop-up window are transferred,
    • Renounce - button closes the pop-up window without placing an order,
    • Accept - button accepts order.


    Attention! Regardless of selection in Settings - Data Display - Default Values - Quick Order, after clicking Accept button the order is saved in the IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie and if the phase of the session allows, it is sent to the WSE's trading system, without prior presentation of pop-up window with the parameters of the order (New Order - Verification).

    After accepting order, the New Order - Confirmation pop-up window is displayed with the Order has been accepted message and parameters of order saved in the IT system of Santander Biuro Maklerskie. The Close button closes the pop-up window.


    Index or instrument chart is called up by an icon in the Name column of the quotation table and presented in the pop-up layer. The layer contains the following elements:

    • Instrument name,
    • Three-letter ticker for shares in square brackets, in case of other instruments repeated name of instrument,
    • Price of the last trade,
    • Percentage change of last trade price in relation to the reference price. Positive change is marked in green font, no change - in black, and a negative change - in red,
    • Date and time of the last message,
    • O - opening price,
    • H - maximum price,
    • L - minimum price,
    • C - price of the last trade,
    • Bid Size - number of instruments in the best buy offer,
    • Bid - limit price for the best buy offer, clicking on the buy limit value brings up a pop-up window for sell order,
    • Ask - limit price for the best sell offer, clicking on the sell limit value brings up a pop-up window for buy order,
    • Ask Size - number of instruments in the best sell offer,
    • Wol - trading volume,
    • Val - trading value,
    • Intraday / Daily chart tabs,
    • Type of chart (Candlestick, Bar, Line) drop-down list,
    • Linear / logarithmic scales, drop-down list,
    • Daily chart data range: 1 month, 3 months, 12 months, 2 years, 5 years, the maximum available range,
    • Chart of index or instrument price,
    • Chart of instrument volume. Using a triangle icon to the right of the graph it can be opened or closed. If chart of instrument volume is closed its place is taken up by chart of instrument price,
    • Sliders used to limit period for which the chart is presented:
      • Intraday Chart - for maximum extent of available data, which is for the whole session, the scale of chart is 6 minutes per point. This means that each candle, each bar and each point of the line chart represents a period of six minutes, eg from 9:01:00 to 9:06:59,
      • Daily Chart - for maximum extent of available data, chart scale is 6 days per point. This means that every candle, every bar and every point of a line chart represents six trading days, i.e. from 26 July 2012 (Thursday) to 2 August 2012 (Thursday).


    In the upper left corner of chart the scale is presented. The scale of chart changes dynamically depending on the scope of available data. For example, for the whole session intraday chart, the scale is 6 mins / point. If we limit the range of data from the beginning of session to 5 p.m. scale is increased to 4 mins / point. The maximum scale of 1 min / point is attainable for a range of about two hours. For a daily chart maximum scale of 1 d / point is attainable for a range of about six months.

    Clicking on the value of the Limit B or Limit S brings up a pop-up window with Sell or Buy order accordingly (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - Yes) or Trading - Stock Market - New Order (for Settings - Data Display - Fewer Orders Parameters - No). Description of pop-up window is available when you select on the left side of the Inwestor online - Help window, position Quotes - Quotes Table.

  • My Services

    My Services tab allows to perform operations associated with the expansion of Inwestor online platform.

    Actions associated with the expansion of services are divided into two groups, selected in the side menu:

    • Services - services related to the expansion of the brokerage agreement, opening new accounts, ordering investment support services such as real-time quotes, alerts, thresholds of courses instruments, notifications of new analytical materials prepared by employees of Santander Biuro Maklerskie,
    • Instructions - other instructions, such as to obtain a negotiated commission, update address data, transfer of financial instruments, etc.



    My Services - Services page includes the following frames:

    • Accounts / Extension of the Contract - includes instructions associated with extension of the brokerage agreement or opening a new account,
    • Quotes and Technical Analysis - includes requesting of the WSE and NewConnect real-time quotes, as well as access to the technical analysis AmiBroker application,
    • SMS / Push / E-mail Alerts - includes requesting alerts via SMS, Push or e-mails about instruments prices, orders placed, trade executed, new analysis, and requesting of SMS messages through which the notification will be sent.


    Accounts / Extension of the Contract

    Accounts / Extension frame contract contains instructions relating to the extension or narrowing of the brokerage agreement or the opening or closing of a particular type of account.

    Open Spot Market Acct.

    Instruction to open a standard account of financial instruments. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close Spot Market acct.

    Instruction to close a standard account of financial instruments. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Open Spot / Derivatives Market acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of investing in derivatives. Customer who do not have NKK number request via this instruction to obtain it. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close Spot / Derivatives Market acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of investing in derivatives. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Extend contract on Receivables limit

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of receivable limit. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Terminate the Receivables limit

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of receivable limit. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Open IKE acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of opening IRA (Individual Retirement Account) brokerage account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close IKE acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of closing IRA (Individual Retirement Account) brokerage account is accepted only in person at the Customer Service Points of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    Open Day Trading acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of Day Trading operations and transforming the standard financial instruments account into a Day Trading account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close Day Trading acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of Day Trading operations and transforming the Day Trading account into the standard financial instruments account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Open Short Sale acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of short sale operations and opening of a short sale sub-account to handle short sell trades. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close Short Sale acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of short sale operations and closing of short sale sub-account to handle short sell trades. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Open EUR / USD Int'l Spot Market acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments for the account from which the instruction is submitted and opening of EUR and USD sub-accounts. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close EUR / USD Int'l Spot Market acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments for the account from which the instruction is submitted and closing of EUR and USD sub-accounts. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Open GBP / CHF / HUF Int'l Spot Market acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments listed in GBP, CHF and HUF for account from which the instruction is submitted and opening of GBP, CHF and HUF sub-accounts. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close GBP / CHF / HUF Int'l Spot Market acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments listed in GBP, CHF and HUF for account from which the instruction is submitted and closing of GBP, CHF and HUF sub-accounts. The instruction is accepted only in person at the Customer Service Points of Santander Biuro Maklerskie.

    Open Spot / Derivatives Int'l Market acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments whose trade is associated with the obligation of depositing the margin. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Close Spot / Derivatives Int'l Market acct.

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments whose trade is associated with the obligation of depositing the margin. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Termination of the contract

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Quotes and Technical Analysis

    Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)

    The Real-Time WSE Quotes page allows to order the Warsaw Stock Exchange real-time quotes subscription.

    The activation procedure for customer, who has not previously subscribed quotes

    A customer who activates access to the Stock Exchange stock quotes in real-time for the first time, is entitled to free-of-charge subscription:

    • to the end of the month in which the activation took place if it occurred not later than on 25th day of the month,
    • to the end of the next month in which the activation took place if it occurred after 25th day of the month.


    In order to subscribe, select the requested number of bids in the No. of Bid / Ask Quotes part and accept it with the Order button.

    At the end of free-of-charge subscription, it will be automatically extended for successive months under the same conditions until the customer changes number of bids received or cancels their subscription.

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting from the fee for subsequent periods of subscription a fee will be charged. The fee is charged in advance for given month. This is done after the last session of the month and the investment account on which the activation occurred, or a subsequent change of number of bids, is charged. Lack of free cash on the account cancels subscription of quotes.

    Fees charged for quotes monthly subscription and trade value exempting from fee are set out in Schedule of Fees and Commissions Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    The activation procedure for customer who used a free-of-charge subscription and has generated trades in amount exempting them from the charge

    Customer subscribing to quotes, who had in the previous month trades exempting him from the charge, receives on-screen information about the number of bids in free subscription of which he is entitled. If a customer chooses greater number of bids than the free version, their account will be charged only for the non-free number of bids.

    Fee is charged in advance for the entire month regardless of the date of subscription.

    In order to activate quotes, select the requested number of bids in the No. of Bid / Ask Quotes part and accept it with the Order button.

    Subscription will be automatically extended for successive months under the same conditions, until the customer changes number of bids received or cancels their subscription.

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting from the fee for subsequent periods of subscription a fee will be charged. The fee is charged in advance for given month. This is done after the last session of the month and the investment account on which the activation occurred, or a subsequent change of number of bids, is charged. Lack of free cash on the account cancels subscription of quotes.

    Fees charged for quotes monthly subscription and trade value exempting from fee are set out in Schedule of Fees and Commissions Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    The activation procedure for the customer who used a free-of-charge subscription and has not generated trades in amount exempting them from the charge

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting them from the fee for subscription they may subscribe provided they have free cash on the account to be charged for the full month for a selected number of bids.

    Fee is charged in advance for the entire month regardless of the date of subscription.

    In order to subscribe, select the requested number of bids in the No. of Bid / Ask Quotes part and accept it with the Order button.

    Subscription will be automatically extended for successive months under the same conditions, until the customer changes number of bids received or cancels their subscription.

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting from the fee for subsequent periods of subscription a fee will be charged. The fee is charged in advance for given month. This is done after the last session of the month and the investment account on which the activation occurred, or a subsequent change of number of bids, is charged. Lack of free cash on the account cancels subscription of quotes.

    Fees charged for quotes monthly subscription and trade value exempting from fee are set out in Schedule of Fees and Commissions Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    Changing the number of bids received

    Subscriber receives on-screen information about the currently received number of bids.

    In order to change number of bids, select the requested number of bids in the No. of Bid / Ask Quotes part and accept it with the Order button.

    Subscription will be automatically extended for successive months under the same conditions, until the customer changes number of bids received or cancels their subscription.

    ATTENTION! If you change the number of bids received during given month and there are no trades in the previous month in amount exempting from the charge, the account will be charged for non-free package.

    Fee is charged in advance for the entire month regardless of the date of subscription.

    Cancellation of subscription

    In order to cancel subscription of the Warsaw Stock Exchange stock quotes in real-time, select the Cancel button.

    Subscription will be cancelled beginning from the next month. Re-subscription is possible from the first day of the month following the cancellation.

    The Back button allows to return to the My Services - Services without saving any changes.

    Tools to receive quotes

    Quotes and charts of instruments listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the NewConnect are possible through::



    The AmiBroker page allows to order AmiBroker Technical Analysis App subscription.

    ATTENTION! Subscription to AmiBroker App requires a valid Warsaw Stock Exchange real-time quotes subscription.

    The activation procedure for customer, who has not previously subscribed AmiBroker App

    A customer who activates access to AmiBroker App for the first time, is entitled to free-of-charge subscription:

    • to the end of the month in which the activation took place if it occurred not later than on 25th day of the month,
    • to the end of the next month in which the activation took place if it occurred after 25th day of the month.


    In order to subscribe, select Check to activatefield and accept it with the Order button.

    At the end of free-of-charge subscription, it will be automatically extended for successive months until the customer cancels their subscription of quotes or AmiBroker App.

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting from the fee for subsequent periods of subscription a fee will be charged. The fee is charged in advance for given month. This is done after the last session of the month and the investment account on which the activation occurred, or a subsequent change of number of bids for quotes, is charged. Lack of free cash on the account cancels subscription of quotes or AmiBroker App.

    Fees charged for AmiBroker App monthly subscription and trade value exempting from fee are set out in Schedule of Fees and Commissions Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    The activation procedure for customer who used a free-of-charge subscription and has generated trades in amount exempting them from the charge

    Customer subscribing to quotes, who had in the previous month trades exempting him from the charge, receives on-screen information that they are entitled to free subscription.

    In order to subscribe, select Check to activatefield and accept it with the Order button.

    Subscription will be automatically extended for successive months until the customer cancels their subscription for quotes or AmiBroker App.

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting from the fee for subsequent periods of subscription a fee will be charged. The fee is charged in advance for given month. This is done after the last session of the month and the investment account on which the activation occurred, or a subsequent change of number of bids for quotes, is charged. Lack of free cash on the account cancels subscription of quotes or AmiBroker App.

    Fees charged for AmiBroker App monthly subscription and trade value exempting from fee are set out in Schedule of Fees and Commissions Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    The activation procedure for customer who used a free-of-charge subscription and has not generated trades in amount exempting them from the charge

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting them from the fee for subscription they may subscribe provided they have free cash on the account to be charged for the full month.

    In order to subscribe, select Check to activatefield and accept it with the Order button.

    Subscription will be automatically extended for successive months until the customer cancels their subscription for quotes or AmiBroker App.

    In the absence of client turnover in the amount exempting from the fee for subsequent periods of subscription a fee will be charged. The fee is charged in advance for given month. This is done after the last session of the month and the investment account on which the activation occurred, or a subsequent change of number of bids for quotes, is charged. Lack of free cash on the account cancels subscription of quotes or AmiBroker App.

    Fees charged for AmiBroker App monthly subscription and trade value exempting from fee are set out in Schedule of Fees and Commissions Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    Cancellation of subscription

    In order to cancel subscription of AmiBroker App, select the Cancel button.

    Subscription will be cancelled beginning from the next month. Re-subscription is possible from the first day of the month following the cancellation.

    The Back to return to the My Services - Services without saving any changes.

    SMS / Push / E-mail Alerts

    SMS & Push Quotes

    The SMS Quotes page is designed to:

    • define, modify and remove price alert on current price of an instrument sent to mobile phones via text messages (SMS) or Push message,
    • active price alert on value of WIG20 index, the largest increase and the biggest drop on the market sent for the opening of continuous trading at 9 a.m.


    The New / Modification of Alert Threshold frame is to define and modify the alert. For each type of information you can define a lower threshold limit and the upper threshold limit. The lower threshold alert is sent when the threshold is reached "from above", ie when price of instrument drops, for the upper threshold the opposite - an alert is sent when the threshold is reached "from below", ie with increasing price. For example, if the lower threshold for a given financial instrument was set on 10 PLN, the upper threshold of 15 PLN, and the current price is 5 PLN, an alert will be sent only when reaching 15 PLN. The system allows to define the threshold for a maximum of five items, but a financial instrument may be repeated. Thus it is possible to set two thresholds for each of the five instruments, or ten thresholds for a single instrument, or a combination of the above up to five positions on two thresholds. Defined threshold will only send a single SMS alert. After sending the message threshold value, which resulted in sending the message is presented in red. To reset the alert threshold for the same price, in the Defined Alerts frame, click on Change link , and then click Save button in the New / Modification of Alert frame.

    Columns in the New / Modification of Alerts frame shall specify:

    • Instrument - the choice of the name of the financial instrument for which the alert is defined,
    • Lower Threshold Limit, Upper Threshold Limit - price of the instrument, the achievement of which sends an alert,
    • Active - activate the alert, ATTENTION: if this box is unchecked no alert is sent,
    • Open - if this box is checked price of the financial instrument and the change vs. the closing price of the previous trading session will be sent on the opening of the instrument.


    The buttons in the New / Modification of Alerts frame shall specify:

    • Back - back to the My Services - Services page without saving the changes,
    • Save - acceptance of conditions under which the SMS message is sent and a presentation of terms in the Defined Alerts frame.


    The Defined Alerts frame presents the conditions that must be met in order an alert is to be sent. The columns in the frame include the following information:

    • Symbol - the name of a financial instrument,
    • Lower Threshold Limit, Upper Threshold Limit - price of the instrument, the achievement of which sends an alert,
    • Active - indicates whether an alert is active, symbol of hook indicates the one is active, symbol of cross means that messages will not be sent even after meeting the set conditions,
    • Open - informs about sending price and the percentage change in the instrument at the opening of session, hook symbol means that alert will be sent, a symbol of the cross - means that alert will not be sent,
    • Actions:
      • Change - to change the terms of the alert, select the link what fills the New / Modification of Alerts frame with current values of the alert in order to make their changes,
      • Delete - deletes the defined alert.


    The Defined Alerts frame presents additionally the following information:

    • Status of the price alert on WIG20 index, price and percentage change of the instrument with the largest increase and biggest decrease in the continuous trading at the opening of the continuous trading at 9 a.m. - hook symbol means that the information will be sent, a symbol of the cross - that it will not be sent,
    • SMS Acct. - number of SMS messages remaining to be used, SMS package can be ordered on the My Services - Services - Buy Text Messages / SMS & Push History page.


    Acct. Notifications

    The Notifications page allows to define the events associated with support for transactions on the securities account, the information of which you can obtain via e-mail and text messages (SMS).

    Checking the appropriate box in column E-mail or SMS will send an email notification or text message with one of the following events:

    • Placing an order,
    • Canceling an order,
    • Trade.


    Santander Biuro Maklerskie shall charge a fee for sending information about above events sent via the GSM gateway operator in the amount specified in Schedule of Fees Uruchomi się w nowym oknie.

    Sending notifications for below events does not require to define them:

    • Margin call for open positions in futures contracts,
    • Blockade of access to Inwestor online platform / Inwestor mobile app after three, wrong entered Password codes.
    • Blockade of access to Inwestor mobile app via PIN mobile after three, wrong entered PIN mobile codes.


    Santander Biuro Maklerskie shall not charge a fee for sending information about above events sent via the GSM gateway operator.

    The buttons in Notifications frame define:

    • Back - back to the My Services - Services page without saving the changes,
    • Save - save changes.


    Research Notifications

    Research Notifications page allows to define events associated with receiving notification of the publication of analytical materials available in Polish version of Markets tab equivalent.

    Buy Text Messages / SMS & Push History

    The Buy Text Messages / SMS & Push History page allows you to buy paid packages of Text Messages (SMS) and overview the history of sent messages (both text and Push).

    The SMS Messages Order frame presents the following information:

    • SMS Acct. - number of text messages to use,
    • SMS Quantity - in this field, enter the quantity of SMS to order, minimum quantity is 10, maximum number in a single order is 99999,
    • Price of a single text message,
    • Back - back to the My Services - Services page without saving the changes,
    • Save - select the button to display number of ordered text messages and the amount to be charged. The Accept button is used for final confirmation of the order, the Cancel allows you to withdraw from the order.


    Types of information sent include:

    • Notification of placing an order, cancel order, confirmation of the transaction and that the account is locked,
    • Information for the opening of the trading session: price and percentage change of WIG20 index, price and percentage change of the instrument (shares only) with the largest increase and biggest decrease in the continuous trading at the opening of the continuous trading at 9 a.m.,
    • Price and percentage change of instruments at the opening of continuous trading, which can be sent after the start of trading contracts at 8.45 a.m. or after the start of continuous trading at 9 a.m.: name of instrument, opening price, percentage change,
    • Information about reaching thresholds by defined instruments: name of instrument, transaction price, percentage change, time of the transaction.


    Percentage changes are given relative to the closing price of the previous trading session.

    The SMS & Push History frame allows to generate a history of sent messages. To do this, select the range of history in one of the following options:

    • All available history,
    • History for given period,
    • History for a particular month,
    and accept it with the Search button.


    The history of sent SMS (via toll gate GSM operator) is presented in the table, where each column contain the following information:

    • Date - date of sending a text message,
    • Time - hour and minute of sending a text message,
    • Event Category - the type of notification sent via text message,
    • Phone No. - mobile phone number to which text message was sent, in case of Push message a hyphen "-" is presented.



    This page contains the following frames:

    • Search - which is possible in two ways:
      • Instruction - after clicking a drop down list, where all instructions are available. Entering characters one by one the range of instruments is limited to those whose names correspond to entered characters, such as entering of "der" in the drop-down list will make available all instructions starting with "derivatives" word. After selecting name of instruction with mouse or pressing the Enter key a screen with the contents of the selected instruction is displayed,
      • Instruction Groups - after clicking the Select button in the Instruction List frame below all instructions assigned to the group are displayed. Clicking the Submit button brings up the contents of the selected instruction,
    • Instruction List - if in the Search frame one of instrument groups has been selected, list of all instructions assigned to the group is presented in the Instruction List frame. Clicking the Submit button brings up the contents of the selected instruction.


    Commission instructions

    Application for commission

    Instruction allows to request for the grant or resignation from the negotiated commission. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Joining SII organization

    Instruction allows to join the membership of the Association of Individual Investors (Polish SSI). A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Application for Trader / TopTrader acct.

    Instruction allows to request or refrain from "Trader or" TopTrader" account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Contract instructions

    Receivables limit - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage agreement in terms of receivables limit. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Receivables limit - termination

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of receivable limit. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Day Trading - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of Day Trading operations and transforming the standard financial instruments account into a Day Trading account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Day Trading - termination

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of Day Trading operations and transforming the Day Trading account into the standard financial instruments account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot Int'l Market - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments for the account from which the instruction is submitted and opening of EUR and USD sub-accounts. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot Int'l Market - termination

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments for the account from which the instruction is submitted and closing of EUR and USD sub-accounts. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    IKE - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of opening IRA (Individual Retirement Account) brokerage account. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Short Sale - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of short sale operations and opening of a short sale sub-account to handle short sell trades. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Short Sale - termination

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of short sale operations and closing of short sale sub-account to handle short sell trades. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot / Derivatives Market - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in financial instruments whose trade is associated with the obligation of depositing the margin. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot / Derivatives Market - termination

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in financial instruments whose trade is associated with the obligation of depositing the margin. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot / Derivatives Int'l Market - extension

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments whose trade is associated with the obligation of depositing the margin. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot / Derivatives Int'l Market - termination

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments whose trade is associated with the obligation of depositing the margin. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Termination of the contract

    Instruction allows to terminate the brokerage contract. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Account instructions

    Spot Market - opening

    Instruction to open a standard account of financial instruments. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Spot Market - closing

    Instruction to close a standard account of financial instruments. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Transfer of financial instruments within Santander Biuro Maklerskie

    Instruction allows to transfer financial instruments between accounts held at Santander Biuro Maklerskie. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Transfer of financial instruments to another financial institution

    Instruction allows to transfer financial instruments to an account held by another financial institution. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Certificate confirming the right to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders

    Instruction allows to obtain a personal certificate of the right to participate in the GMS. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Deposit certificate

    Instruction allows to obtain a certificate of deposit. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Sending notifications of trades / statement of account

    Instruction allows to receive notifications about trades or account statement. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Restrict access to the account

    Instruction to restrict acceptance of orders and instructions submitted in person to the Customer Service Point where account is held. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Redemption of certificates on customer request

    Instruction to request redemption of investment certificates at any time set out in the prospectus of the fund. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Customer data instructions

    Change of residence and mailing address

    Instruction allows to change residence address and mailing address. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Derivatives instructions

    Block / unblock financial instruments

    Instruction allows to block or unblock financial instruments constituting margin for open positions in derivatives. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Additional portfolios

    Instruction to open or close an additional portfolio. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Execution of warrants / index units

    Instruction allows execution of warrants or index units. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Resignation of execution of warrants / options

    Instruction allows to cancel execution of warrants or options. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Foreign markets instructions

    Opening GBP / CHF Int'l Spot Market acct.

    Instruction allows to extend the brokerage contract in terms of provision of brokerage services in foreign financial instruments listed in GBP and CHF for account from which the instruction is submitted and opening of GBP, CHF and HUF sub-accounts. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Transfer of financial instruments between clearing houses

    Instruction allows transfer of financial instruments between clearing houses within account held by Santander Biuro Maklerskie. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Introduction of an additional financial instrument

    Instruction allows to request for additional financial instrument to be available in a foreign place of execution. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Increasing margin

    Instruction allows to increase margin in a currency other than PLN. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Primary market instructions

    Primary market subscription cancellation

    Instruction allows to cancel subscription on the primary market. A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.

    Inwestor online / Inwestor mobile instructions

    Restrict access to services via Inwestor online platform or Inwestor mobile app

    Instruction allows to block access to online services of Santander Biuro Maklerskie (Inwestor online platform and Inwestor mobile app). A description of who may submit instruction, how much it costs, how to fill up instruction and links to paper form of instruction are available within the instruction.


    The page allows to complete the adequacy questionnaire by the account holder. Prior to the use of brokerage services please fill in the appropriate questionnaire. Thanks to the information that the client will give in the questionnaire Santander Biuro Maklerskie acknowledges the preferences and expectations in terms of customer's investments, and thus can adapt recommendation and investment advice to the needs and circumstances of each client. The questionnaire can be filled many times, especially in the event of a material change in the information on the needs and circumstances of each client.

    If the questionnaire has already been completed, in the first place are presented: the date of filling the questionnaire and evaluation, based on the answers provided by the customer, if brokerage services available at Santander Biuro Maklerskie (excluding investment advisory) in relation to particular types of financial instruments are appropriate to customer. Under the evaluation a button enabling update of questionnaire is available.

    Click on the Update Questionnaire button and answer all the questions or choose customer refused to answer checkbox. When you click Accept it is possible to revise your response or to accept your answers. When you click the Accept button again a message confirming that the questionnaire has been saved is displayed. The Continue button opens the evaluation referred to in the preceding paragraph.

  • Ticker

    Ticker is a banner with "hot" news below the Account Selector Bar.

    On the right side of ticker there is an icon triggering hide / show action.

    On the left side there is the navigation panel showing:

    • Date and time of entering the presented information,
    • Navigation elements that allow to navigate to the first, previous, next, and last information.
    • Number of presented information and number of all informations in ticker.


    Principles of presenting information:

    • If Santander Biuro Maklerskie does not provide any information, the ticker and icon for hiding / showing ticker are invisible,
    • With introduction of the first information it is displayed automatically, i.e. the ticker and hiding / showing ticker icon come up. After clicking on the icon, the ticker is hidden, the icon Show ticker remains visible. When re-logging ticker will be visible again,
    • After entering next information:
      • If ticker is visible, the new information will replace the information presented so far,
      • If the ticker is not visible, it will be shown and the new information will replace the information presented before hiding ticker.
    • After expiry date of one of information it ceases to be visible,
    • After expiry date of last information:
      • If ticker and the hide ticker icon are visible, it will be hidden,
      • If ticker is not visible, the icon Show ticker will be hidden.


  • My Shortcuts

    Element for quick move to desired page without selecting many levels in service menu (main menu and side menu or toolbar and side menu) and links in frames on each page.

    For example, bringing up history of financial instruments may require four clicks:

    • Portfolio tab,
    • Side menu - Other Assets,
    • More link,
    • Instrument History link.

    After page is included in the shortcut bar it may be brought up in just one click.

    Shortcut bar is visible at the bottom of page. Icon on the right side of the bar is used to hide it.

    Description how to add a page to the shortcut bar is available in help of Settings - My Shortcuts.